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Everything posted by Noel

  1. Noel

    sound chips

    Does anybody have a video clip of an A class model with sound? I'm very pleased with the updated 141 class sound chip from MrSoundguy. I have a sense that to compliment DCC sound from locos, it might be interesting to also have a permanent background noise track running from layout speakers powered by mp3 or laptop. This could have a mix of station noises, distant trains, passing trains Red shift effect, rail clinks, steam whistles, traffic noise, background platform/people sounds. I vaguely remember Noel Edmunds did a cassette sound track for hornby about 20-30 years ago with a similar assorted sound mix. With mp3 even better results could be played. An ideal candidate for a smartphone app.
  2. Noel

    sound chips

    They are fairly automatic. All you have to do is turn the sound on by pressing F1, the loco then goes through a 10-20 second engine startup (which can be bypassed). Once the sound is on the engine noise will automatically change based on throttle use, but the revs will notch up or down automatically to match the power the loco is requested to deliver, which may not be the same as speed (e.g: high revs as heavy train starts to pull away from a station despite low speed, lower revs once loco attains cruising speed, etc). The Zimo chip from Mr Soundguy has a nice coasting feature where the engine idles once throttle is set to 0, but the loco continues on at speed very gradually decelerating like the real locos coasting. To stop the loco brakes must be applied using F4. As the loco comes to a stop you will automatically hear break screech. You can manually invoke extra sounds such a flange squeal on bends or over points, guards whistle, short horn, long horn, coach door slamming, etc, by pressing relevant function keys.
  3. In the 70s I remember walking across the fields to that station the odd day after school. The CIE staff back in those days gave me free reign to walk about the station, track and sidings, as well as teaching me much about their operations back then. This thread is a blast from the past.
  4. Thanks but I can't take any credit, its all the work of Keith Pearson (MrSoundGuy). He has been very helpful. I contacted him shortly after this thread was started. He was very helpful and told me about his new sound projects which seemed a big improvement over the 1st version of the 141/181 especially in relation to realistic automatic notching and coasting. All I've done is install it and exchanged emails with Keith on the features I would prefer. I ordered mine only last Friday and it arrived within days. He kindly held over the weekend as he wanted to make some final tweaks which he played back to me over the phone. Now that is what I call excellent customer service. I suggested moving few functions to the lower 10 FN keys so they could be directly accessed on most DCC cabs, which keith duly did. Top 'guy' forgive the play on his trading name. Cheers but credit to Keith Pearson for building this new sound mix with new programming. Last night I added more blue-tac around the edges of the speaker to anchor it to the MM supplied speaker cradle which stopped vibration at higher volume levels. The default volume out of the box is set at CV266=64, but I have lowered it to 45 which sounds about right on our layout (i.e. you can hear wheels on rails from coaches as well as loco engine). I've a little more tweaking to experiment with but overall I am delighted I went with the new Zimo. Me being me, I will probably get a modified LokSound as well at some stage in the future, just to compare, but I already have LokSound in 071, so it should be similar in behaviour. I prefer the auto notching on the new 141/181 Zimo and especially the breaking/coasting type of driving - very realistic. But on the strength of this weeks trials, I'm going to order two more Zimos for my other MM baby GMs.
  5. Don't know for sure because it's been over 37 years since I've been that side, but it looks like Newbridge. But the car park was not that big back then.
  6. Noel

    sound chips

    To avoid duplicate posting here is a link to the post with the video of the new 141 sound chip by Mr Sound Guy. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3707-Which-DCC-sound-chip-for-MM-141-181?p=58930&viewfull=1#post58930 Cheers Noel
  7. Apologies for the poor video, it was shot in a hurry on a hand held phone and sound quality not great, but you will get the general idea what the loco sounds like. MM 141 loco with Zimo MX644D sound chip, ESU speaker and latest version of Mr Sound Guy sound mix for 141/181 These chips use a driving and sound programming system called 'real drive' which I am learning how to use (see the 071 video recently posted on the forum for a description of real drive). I still have a few CVs to adjust for things like breaking, and duration of break screech noise, etc. Mr Sound Guy "Keith" has been incredibly helpful and has moved popular sound functions to F1-F9 so that they can be quickly accessed without needing shift keys. He also made some last minute fine tuning adjustments over the weekend before shipping to me. Initially I found the new coasting and braking method of driving a little alien, but now that I have got used to it, I love it, very real way of stopping a loco at a station or shunting. He has created a light engine mode F5 for light yard work, engine only, or light train which reduces the automatic level of notching up (i.e. less revs needed for lighter load). Over the weekend I will try and record a better video using a tripod with different types of operations (e.g: shunting, coupling up, heavy train move off, light train move off, coasting, automatic notching up and down, etc. Hopefully I will have tuned a few sound CVs by then.
  8. Yes it fits perfectly in the MM loco provided speaker cradle. EDIT: I later added some blue-tac under the speaker to anchor it in the speaker cradle and stop vibration which could cause sound distortion.
  9. Zimo MX644D sound decoder and speaker from Mr Soundguy installed in MM B141 ready for sound checks Will post video later
  10. Noel

    sound chips

    I've just received sound decoder for MM 141 from Mr Soundguy. Will post video later on the original 141/181 sound thread. It arrived within days of ordering with a supplied speaker that fits in MM 141/181 bodies without modification, just solder two wires to loco PCB. Pics to follow. This is Keith's latest version with 'real drive' sound mix. It runs on Zimo MX644D chip. Rear case of speaker removed, two short wires soldered on Speaker sits in MM supplied speaker cradle. A little bluetac stops any vibration.
  11. I received a 141 sound decoder yesterday direct from Mr Soundguy. It was delivered in a few days from order. I will post a video in next few days when I get the decoder and the supplied speaker fully installed in B141. It's the updated sound mix of 141/181 for Zimo only completed recently by Keith.
  12. That railway car looks more like something from the script of Fr Ted A bit Noddy sized.
  13. I phoned about six weeks ago and spoke to a helpful chap who explained they were out of stock of sound chips, but were expecting delivery end of October. I was put on a waiting list, but never heard back so phoned numerous times recently to try and ascertain if they had arrived and if I could now order. I always got a phone answer, but they couldn't tell me anything, despite the website suggesting they were in stock and and order able by credit card. I gave up and bought from another source. I got the impression they were extremely busy with the christmas rush. The previously helpful chap never phoned me back despite me leaving my number on numerous occaisions.
  14. I usually visit the warehouse shop in Rathcoole as its near my work and easy parking. Pity about the DL unit. Sadly Dun Laoghaire as a retail high street seems to have been particularly badly battered by the recession and the existence of Dundrum town centre. Bray equally so.
  15. Absolutely superb. You obviously have some great additional sound recordings of the real thing. The rolling stock over rail recordings are great. Were these mixed into the video, or do they play from layout speakers? Weathering is superb. Fabulous atmosphere on the layout.
  16. Very useful but I find the screws and butterfly clips poor and difficult to keep tight and setup.
  17. Hi Paudie. I have to start blasting this winter too. It's over 40years since I last did it. An issue to consider is sound insulation. Having a layer of a material such as cork or dense insulating foam under the track will reduce 'base board' noise which can be irritating. I don't know how felt would work. As ever try a few feet of spare track on a bit of off cut base board to see how IT works out.
  18. Yes a real toy gimmick once upon a time many many years ago. I have two of them somewhere in the attic, one in LMS livery, the other in BR Blue and Grey. Never seen one in CIE Livery before though.
  19. Will have to await the outcome of police investigation to establish if this was just darwinian criminal thugs, or a well planned terrorist attack. If the latter the implications are extremely worrying for rail transport.
  20. Stunning performance that delivered the victory. Every player from 1 to 23, the squad and JS deserve due credit.
  21. Thanks IRM Thanks Dave. I'm after folks preferred choice based on their usage experience. So are these the ones you prefer to use?
  22. Superb model lima33. Ps. Spotted the Monthy python and dinosaurs montage in the back ground
  23. Great find. Enjoyed watching that. Very nostalgic. Different h&s back then.
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