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Everything posted by Junctionmad

  1. Current 3D printing can't come anywhere near the precision and detail of injection moulding and remain affordable by mere mortals. But the model could be wrong is any material But the fact is , that people will buy whatever they buy. The purchaser decides. If you don't like the quality don't buy it. Critism of certain suppliers is very misplaced. It's your choice to support that model by purchasing it or not. Post purchase critism is a bit rich, especially from people that wouldn't buy it in the first place
  2. You think say Tony mills 21mm models with working inside Valve gear would be beaten by rtr. Hah
  3. Be aware that C & L 00 turnout kits are to DOGA-fine and will not handle rtr wheel sets without modifications 00 Track/wheel sets are a mine field of miscellaneous incompatible standards unfortunately
  4. Dive controller. I suggest you download Templot, Martin Wynnes, free track work template generator. There you can play to your hearts contents with different turnout radius and crossing angles. However few layouts can cope with prototype radius turnouts. As for PECO being the gold standard , far from it. A well designed turnout hand made will out perform PECO any day, and look much better to boot , flowing track designed on TEMPLOT will always look far better akin to the prototype , then any Setrack system, which cannot properly emulate the prototype anyway. Irregular diamonds being a case in point. In general the prototype didn't have 1, 2 3 or 4 th radius anything. But had flowing curves , including transition curves with turnouts integrated into such curves resulting in all sorts of radius. Be aware that 00 has several track standards , the common one being 00-BF , today's that depreciated in favour of DOGA-intermediate. ( 1.25 mm Flange ways ) this is similar though not indentical to PECO geometry ( loose heeled switches were never really seen in Ireland ) DOGA intermediate will accept rtr wheels typically 25/110 , but other 00 track standards like DOGA-fine will have issues with these wheels Also building a very large radius prototype turnout in standard 00-BF will likely cause some running issues with wheel drop. IF you ever do that you need a compromise track standard like 00-SF , which cuts the flange way gap to 1mm but narrows the track to 16.2 to allow rtr wheels to still run unmodified. As you mentioned carriage end to end throw is nuts on model railways , especially crossings. Peco turnouts don't have curviform crossing vees and hence have a straight track between them when arranged as a crossover. The prototype had a transition curve flowing from one track to the other. PECOs crossing vee angles are all the same which doesn't help things either. This results in changes of radius through the PECO point If you built a prototype crossing with PECO geometry , all the passengers would be thrown from their seats on a crossover! By the way track work is codified to REA standards which Cie by and large followed. In that regard B7 should be the smallest practical turnout in model form. Even that is very tight prototypically, min radius 30" , preferably 36"
  5. Get permission and visit Wellington bridge. It's a signal museum all present and frozen in time. Full signal cabin etc
  6. As someone who grew up with hobby struggling with whitemetal, brass and finally plastikard , ending up scratch building wagons I liked the look off , I find this " argument " very " first world " The fact is rtr is never going to represent the best this hobby can do, good scratch builders will always do better . Those looking for a " fine scale" model will never find it in rtr. There are too many compromises. So be happy with what u have got. If you want " better" teach yourself the skills to detail models etc. The other thing is this hobby isn't a race. It can take you all your life to build a detailed replica of the original,if that is your goal.
  7. Thanks for that . I had seen some in the uk , that acted like but not the same as block instruments.
  8. Well , just place 1000 piece order and I'm sure you'll be supplied with nice RTR stock.
  9. The gnr(I) was very progressive with drivers wasn't it , took em young too
  10. What .... Remember your speech to me. " ah I just buy a couple ....." , maybe that was a couple of dozen
  11. Having added some wtts to my collection, I can attest to their value. It nearly brings a tear to my eye too see what we have lost. In my view the transistion period around 1972+ Was very interesting , still loose coupled , but also the more special function wagons appearing . My own memories of travelling in guards vans on beet trains and in the cab of some dolomite trains brings me back in time when I look at WTTs.
  12. Then we have an obligation to future modellers and rail historians to track these down and get them reloaded somewhere permanent. Far too much will be lost. We have such a scarcity of pre 70s stuff for example
  13. No way is disk capacity an issue there days , you can add terabytes for peanuts
  14. No this one , many of the photo links are broken http://irnirishrailwaynews.yuku.com/topic/999/Railways-of-the-West-PastPresent?page=1#.Vjksd3q6CK0 It made me think About the longevity of ad hoc Internet pictures. It's a crying shame to loose previously uploaded material
  15. One of things that concerns me , with internet related photos is that we loose links and possibly therefore source material for example , many go the images on the above site are now not available for me I was looking for a whole series of photos relating to claremorris, that were out up by member BurmaRoad anyone know if they were posted elsewhere thanks
  16. can anyone tell me what was the dial of the needle was labelled on the miniature staff instruments thanks Dave
  17. I suppose I fall into the camp of only collecting for a particular layout in mind. so that focus the attention. Equally I have no recollection of steam, but a great association with the GM engines in particular, having been given many a cab ride in the waterford area. Interesting comment re difference between Irish and British modellers, suggesting they are more focused. I dont think thats the case at all, I think for years unless you were a skilled scratch builder ( and its still true to some extent) you couldnt model the " Irish Scene " even if you wanted to . SO we limited ourselves to rail models that in reality we had no nostalgic connection with , aka British Steam. Of course where that leaves an irish modeller with british diesels is entirely unclear!! ( Noel ) I hope ruth all the availability of Irish mdoels, we shall see in the next 10-15 years some brilliant Irish layouts with prototypical layouts, maybe even a 21mm extravaganza . It seven getting fashionable across the water to consider Irish layouts to move away from the mass of blue diesels ( and ours sounds way way better, well until they got class 68s of course ) The sad thing is whats coming after us, a generation will almost zero contact with modern irish railways , and such a railway that haa very little to offer modellers , I find that sad , especially when modern image modellers in the UK has gone through a huge boon, with privatisation etc
  18. Personally , I think there's too much focus on rtr. Also you have to decide what hobby you are in There are ( in no order of merit ) Toy train operation Railway modelling Toy collection ( collectors ) For the last there is obviously interest in just collecting boxes. The " using " of the toy is not important. Hence there is no limit to numbers merely financial limits. For the first , the focus is mainly rtr. Less focus on era , prototypical operation and stock . The middle one has historically had a mixture of rtr , kit and sometimes scratch built and this tended to slow the acquisition of stock as building your own takes time Many people of course straddle the three disclioes. Anyway as sone know, I'm going to build a fairly accurate model of claremorris. Reading a book I got at the show , covered the knock specials. Seeming upwards of 20-30 locos and nearly 200 carriages has to be stored in claremorris during knock specials. I've a bit to go yet. !!!!!! We needs a decent model of an A class's , that what's we need , too many GMs in my opinion
  19. I remember arriving in Hueston when the platform was all dressed like an English station , very weird
  20. I went to both Blackrock and Wexford. Wexford was excellent for what it was. Two interesting 00 gauge layouts plus a couple of other layouts etc I was disappointed with Blackrock , the show , with the exception of the belturbet layout , which was excellant ( though I gather it's an old layout ) , was a re-run of rahenylast year. , the lads on the Irishrailwaymodels stand were excellant. I really would like to see more layout variety from year to year. Interestingly I found the running quality of the two Wexford 00 layouts to be better then any at Blackrock Congrats to the organisers of both exhibitions. These take volunteers time to organise and the weather in wexford was awful today
  21. I dont think Dublin ever left the Union did it?, cant see any signs that it did
  22. err... thats if anybody is still growing it ...
  23. I just couldnt be bothered building compensation in. thats why I'm interested in EM flange ways ( 1mm) and wider wheel profiles, these can generate a few issue in steam locos but not in bogie stock
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