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Everything posted by Irishrailwayman

  1. Am I correct in saying that engines for some 121s were taken from obsolete C/201s (which had in their turn been re-engined when their Crossley engines were discarded)?
  2. Diesel Depot is now equipped with a colour light signal to control entry into the tunnel and fiddle-yard. IR Class 071 No 073 waits for the off. Note simple touch-screen control with a tablet using Z21 which controls both points and the signal:
  3. Shunters Yard is now equipped with two hand remote operated/lighted starter signals as well as dummy ground signals:
  4. So sorry to hear Anthony made a great contribution to the Wexford MRC's Exhibitions. He will be missed. Rest in peace.
  5. More work completed on the portacabins and fuel point including lights in O gauge:
  6. SY's 6407 shunter gets a helping hand now from diminutive 0-6-0 saddle tank loco 1363.
  7. SY gets a new "Express Parcels" railcar to augment the goods traffic handling capacity. Nice model from Dapol and I have fitted a MR Soundguy DCC sound decoder for added exhibition/play value!
  8. Some porta-cabins are in development for this layout:
  9. "Shunters Yard" OO has had an upgrade on its wiring recently to bring it up to the standards set by Wexford MRC's "Little Siddington" in O gauge. A separate 12-volt DC supply has been wired in to the lighting circuit.
  10. These are John Walker's Rosslare Express set developed some years ago. The engine is most likely a Will's kit on a Hornby chassis afaik. John hasn't been around for a while but I will ask next time I see him to confirm.
  11. That's right - all of the South Wexford stations were built to the same plan including island platforms and basic station buildings.
  12. MM This layout is "Rathmichael" by John Walker a long-standing member of Wexford MRC who has produced many Award Winning OO Irish layouts some of which have been shown at Warley and elsewhere over the decades. "Rathmichael" is owned by the club and is slated for renovations/upgrades once the current restrictions are lifted. It is based on the now closed South Wexford line and is named in honour of a Founding Member of the club Michael Curran R.I.P. I only have a few photos on file but will get more soon. TotalLock.exe
  13. Actually these belong to another WMRC member - I will check and get back to you on that!
  14. The Wexford Model Railway Club's Virtual Exhibition is hopping with Irish outline layouts. See for yourself at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WMRCVirtualExhibition
  15. The Wexford Model Railway Club's Virtual Exhibition has started! A range of model railway photos and videos are being posted over the Easter Weekend for your enjoyment. Join in the fun:
  16. Wexford MRC hope to have an extended Wexford Festival Opera Open Day in October if this covid situation is resolved!
  17. In place of our annual exhibition Wexford MRC are putting on a Virtual Model Railway Exhibition instead! Click on the following link to our dedicated Facebook Group: Virtual Model Railway Exhibition and add pictures or videos of your exhibition layout.
  18. That livery is all wrong - it should have a flying snail!
  19. Some additional work completed prior to clubrooms closing down:
  20. Mr Soundguy (Keith Pearson) was the first person to record Irish DCC sounds and market them. He is still selling these as well as a huge range of other UK outline sounds on excellent Zimo soundchips.
  21. Usually not worth recycling as the rails form the very basis for well running trains (along with flat baseboard, electrics). You can develop the most sophisticated layout with every scenic feature but suffer from poor running because the rails are not good.
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