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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. Trailed in Cork and Tralee ended up by 1928 on the Limerick Market Branch
  2. Article in current Railway Bylines
  3. Well a bit late as I changed my original plans for Thursday as told strike was going ahead
  4. Model Show in Glasgow busy on Friday and Saturday in particular
  5. Leaving it a bit late!
  6. A brief article!
  7. Translink have yet to confirm Rail.strike 3 days next week Poor show all round Irish Rail must be having a laugh!
  8. 12 Million will just about cover extra operational costs. Depends on spare ICRs 2! 216 on 10.35 ex Belfast this morning
  9. That vast amount of money of 12 M compared with the 600 Million.for the A5 scheme alone will just about cover the upgrade of the C4k 6 car sets with CAWS for Dublin services Will also.just cover additional costs of running an hourly service and ICRs are busy enough already on other Irish Rail routes.
  10. RB3 was offered recently by the UFTM and accepted by a group in England?
  11. Anyone going to Glasgow next weekend? See Donaghadee will be there.
  12. 206 with 9001 on clearance tests at Belfast GVS today
  13. Fintown supported by money from the Gaeltacht and hear that they may not run this year!
  14. Posted before I checked my notes but never seen any photos except for the locations named above!
  15. Aware of thos stories but only have ever seen photos at Stranorlar and Strabane/Lifford
  16. Railcar 10
  17. See photo n page 12 off my County Donegal Remembered book of Phoenix with 2 Van's on a trip working to Lifford
  18. WRM fails to attract school groups unlike the UKFM which is their bread and butter. Have raised website issue with Cultra directly.
  19. Only seen.photos of Phoenix on short trip workings to Lifford with a few Van's only. Or rare photos shunting at Stranorlar much dig through our photo archive again in Donegal Town at the end of this month.
  20. Whitehead gets about 8,000 visitors per year which is low as JHB states compared to GB Railway Museums.
  21. Stories are usually about the Ballyshannon branch Railcar Derry Road closed on Sunday Feb 14th 1965 but the 3 Donegal stations only had passenger trains on a Saturday!
  22. The point I was making is that a small group with no operational Railway was able to raise funds for a new loco with money from enthusiasts for their future plans with less problems than a similar scheme would face in Ireland.
  23. Southwold Railway built a new 3ft gauge 2-4-0T for less than 250k
  24. Rare photos of the MAK and note different deliveries on the MED at QQ
  25. See this will require about 250,000 to fund the restoration work and that a fund raising campaign has been launched already. We shall see from experience what happens !
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