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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. The Fintona Tram?
  2. ICR on 13.05 to Dublin
  3. On that Monday line closed from Drogheda to Connolly
  4. Yes Monday 2
  5. DART closed north of Connolly that weekend which also affects the Enterprise! Will get the bus from Belfast instead
  6. You rarely get any catering on the 3000CAF replacement sets
  7. Seen 3002 and 3005 in Belfast today on the 12.35 Enterprise
  8. Only thing reliable is an ICR set
  9. Another failure on the 6.50 to Dublin this morning.
  10. Will get the bus to Dublin this weekend and for the last weekend in October to play safe.
  11. Have lots of Strabane photos around 1960 with GNR locos with some blue and cream coaches Have a colour photo.from 1964 showing such a coach in that livery in Strabane station.
  12. Any date for Foyle Road photo? If after 1963 could be 170,171 or 174?
  13. Bottom photo looks like leaving Foyle Road station ?
  14. Going from Belfast to Dublin.next Saturday. Based on all these failures will get the bus instead!
  15. Have done a book review of this book for a magazine. Gave it 5 stars in all areas.
  16. Look the Mourne bridge photo on particular
  17. There are a few CIE bus photos in colour as well
  18. Correct based on photos taken when he toured Ireland in 1969. Many rare and unseen photos such as cover photo of Loughrea
  19. Book Cover
  20. My review copy arrived this morning. Hugh tells his story of a week by rail around Ireland by CIE .in 1969. Nearly all colour photos of a railway scene that is long gone. A most enjoyable book.
  21. Stenlake have just published Rail Ramble around Ireland July 1969 by Hugh Dougherty. Many rare photos of mainly CIE and unpublished.
  22. Out for the Rugby but will look through my wagon photos tomorrow. We have some wagon drawings in the Donegal Railway Heritage Centre
  23. Translink has no money without Stormont as well 2!
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