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Everything posted by Newtoncork

  1. And I would second that!
  2. Thanks Past-Avenue, the barrier tankers and NEM pockets arrived today. All well packaged and looking great. Delighted with the NEM pockets and barrier tankers look the part. Thanks again!
  3. Got the Jinty today from Marks. Always great to go to a model shop. Interestingly Herself went to a charity shop around the corner while I did the business. She did note down a conversation between a couple in their 30's where he wanted to go to Marks while she went to the charity shop! Always good to support Marks as I'm paranoid that they will go without us. Would IRM support them a bit more? No Mk2A's there. Surely we need to have people like Marks to encourage the younger generations, won't that benefit IRM and the hobby in the end?
  4. So how easy is it to remove the D coupling and replace it with an NEM pocket?
  5. Bit scary to see that. About ten years ago, I managed to walk through the Lissummon tunnel. It was tricky to find, but amazingly there were even still some sleepers in place! Dead straight with a slight climb and it was obviously not visited very much (unlike Gogginshill). I think there are plans for a greenway now on the line.
  6. Thanks Mayner, the Enterprise arrived successfully today. The protracted negotiations with the Boss around the purchase took longer than delivery. Ellis Clarke removed the VAT, DHL then requested the Irish VAT, didn't add any other charges and delivered within 2 days. Had to pull out all the stops again during the negotiations - unique model, place in my heart, one chance to get hold of etc etc.... She caved in eventually.
  7. My teenage kids were on the Dublin train in Kent when 2601 was pulled into the next platform. They commented on how attractive the livery is.
  8. Ellis Clarke look like they remove the VAT when you put in Ireland at checkout. I've ordered directly from them so fingers crossed.....
  9. Not sure if everyone knows this, but if you are a member of a local library in Ireland, you should have access to Borrow Box. From there you have free access to the online issues of Model Rail magazine. I've just looked myself and they have the back issues from Jun 2022 onwards as well. For me, all I did was search for 'Cork City Library Borrow Box' in Google and then used my library membership to enter BorrowBox. Has Rail magazine as well!
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  10. So it's been hauled by an MPD?
  11. Hi All, I have a set of Airfix Mk2d coaches which I have resprayed into the NIR Gatwick coaches. I know that they are not 100% correct but still look remind me of seeing them sitting in Lisburn sidings. One thig I'd like to do is use magnetic couplers with these, if possible. Has anyone had experience of attaching magnetic couplers to these? Any idea where I could source them? Thanks.
  12. Not sure, I remember the older one in Cork, but it does seem that the recovery trucks are much older than the buses they are recovering. Looks like they only change them every 40 years or so.
  13. Was walking into Cork city the other night and heard the roar of a V8 behind me, with a crash of gears! Nearly didn't get a photo. This must be one of the oldest Bus Eireann vehicles in use, an 1989 ERF. How many others are out there?
  14. That Clones photo is class, with the roundhouse in the background.
  15. Good stuff Flying Snail! Put the 'Hide Them From Herself' plan into action.
  16. IE 163 arrived this morning, herself was here, so had to own up. She especially liked the dayglow panels and how heavy it is. The distraction tactics worked. Next one is that they worked in pairs..........
  17. Was looking at these in Marks Models today but they didn't seem to have a detail pack. Should they come with one? Thanks.,
  18. Hi Scahalane, Just wondering if you have made any further progress on this wonderful layout?
  19. Hi All, Building a model of NIR EGV 8911. I have found some great photos of the prototype and the model on IRM, but the one thing that isn't clear to me is the roof silencer and exhaust. Would anyone have a clear image of it? Thanks
  20. I can understand a local initiative like this causing a lot of pain for Kerry County Council. But you could argue that a national transport museum being a national and internationally important collection should be part of the National Museum of Ireland and funded centrally. After all the Dublin and Castlebar museums are also national collections. Museums Galleries Scotland are funded by the Scottish government and have locations across the country. Maybe we're not thinking big enough for a transport museum!
  21. Is that a Thomas in the background? We have a Thomas for the kids. The youngest ran it so fast that I had to buy a complete new set of wheels/cogs!
  22. Love that photo of the Clones shed. We're lucky it has survived.
  23. Saw that yesterday. Never thought I'd see the day when a British magazine is putting forward a case for an Irish locomotive! It certainly raises the profile of Irish modelling.
  24. Ok, being controversial here. I lived in Scotland for 15 years. We had some great heritage railways who relied on people from England. There is now way we can repeat that here. However, when I lived in Scotland, they pushed the boat out with the Riverside Museum. Cost £74m with an anticipated 1m visitors. More than that now and a lot would be from abroad. It became a place to visit, on the waterfront, amazing architecture, easy to get to etc. If we were commercial here, would it succeed? I think it would, iconic building, our transport heritage and like in the case of the Riverside, lots of models of boats and locomotives. IRM has been a success story (due to the guys hard work, attention to detail and sheer vision) but I remember being skeptical putting the money down for the first ballast wagons. I didn't think it would succeed. But it did, as the guys thought outside the box as to how it could be funded. So, more controversial, is there a way that we can, as a group, protect our heritage? I, for one, would be willing to give it a go. How could we do it? Put it forward as a business opportunity? Lottery? Any ideas?
  25. Great to see these Jonathan. Be great for the kids at the weekend! Actually more for the dads........
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