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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. until
    From the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland website: Booking form here: https://kiosk.iristickets.co.uk/k?BWC&sjazz&amppromo=rpsi&ka=STI
  2. until
    From the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland website: Booking form here: https://kiosk.iristickets.co.uk/k?BWC&sjazz&amppromo=rpsi&ka=STI
  3. until
    From the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland website: Booking form here: https://kiosk.iristickets.co.uk/k?BWC&sjazz&amppromo=rpsi&ka=STI
  4. until
    From the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland website: Booking form here: https://kiosk.iristickets.co.uk/k?BWC&belle&promo=rpsi&ka=STI
  5. until
    From the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland website: Booking form here: http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/downloads/events/2012_SouthClare_Form.pdf
  6. until
    From the Irish Railway Record Society website: Booking form here: http://www.irrs.ie/Railtours/177%20DifflinLakeRailway.pdf
  7. until
    From the Model Railway Society of Ireland website:
  8. until
    From the Model Railway Society of Ireland website:
  9. People are less likely to visit specifically because of the model railway, so having it as close as possible to the majority of other attractions in Dublin (i.e. within easy reach of the city centre) makes it more attractive for visitors, as they can work it into their sightseeing schedules with a minimum of fuss. That would be one of the reasons why a feature such as the Leprechaun Museum gets such a higher number of visitors than the Fry did at Malahide Castle.
  10. Anto, did you do anything with the American locos you picked up a while back?
  11. I remember an O gauge 071 kit being touted on a website a few years ago... did these models arise out that project? I think Alphagrafix produce a 7mm scale card kit of a 141...
  12. Thanks for the clarification there, Dave, and for the link. I was basing my assumption on a radio debate I heard a short while back, re. Busaras v Malahide, where the issue with the casino building arose (obviously, the plan for a custom building wasn't revealed at that point). I didn't catch the news today as I had more pressing matters to attend to. Just noticed this at the end of Joe's post: You're picking an argument right out of thin air there, Joe, because I never said that Varadkar or his party were responsible for making a "bags" of the country. What I was saying, was that there was no need for him to get involved when there was a perfectly good plan already on the table (i.e. Busaras). I have to say I'm slightly bewildered by the antagonistic nature of your post...
  13. Joe, you left out the "apparently" at the start of that quote, which kinda twists what I said. I'm going on what I heard about the dimensions of the existing Casino building. I wasn't aware that a purpose-built building was being constructed. Regardless, it's still the wrong location...
  14. Amazing! Keep those photos coming!
  15. Excellent shots, Gareth. I was in Belfast for the first time recently and passed York Road... never realised how hard it actually is for photographers to get a decent shot from outside the boundry!
  16. Sorry, but my head nearly exploded listening to the commentary on that video. It's hard to go wrong with Everard Junction's tutorials: [video=youtube_share;hGgT0zQg1s4] The only one I found disappointing was his weathering method... PS: was Anto actually looking for ballasting advice here?
  17. Indeed... Busaras also has more space, allowing more capacity and space for expansion. Apparently the layout will have to be shoehorned into its new home!
  18. It's understandable why the people of Malahide would want it to return there, but overall there's no denying that it's a terrible decision. And I really wish Varadkar would cop on and get on with the real work instead of sticking his oar in where it's not needed.
  19. Are you calling him an ould fella!?
  20. You're not the only one, Fran. I remember more French and German than Irish from my school days...
  21. 'Omnibus Cultum Significat' would've been more apt!
  22. Bloody excellent modelling! Still gutted I didn't know about these until it was too late.
  23. No worries!
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