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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. Unfortunately, a lot of grounded rolling stock body owners in this country have unrealistic expectations of how much their treasures are worth! So long as the metalwork is sound the plywood can always be replaced.
  2. It's a little odd they didn't make a set of the light green ones.
  3. Knobs, have heaps of wire.
  4. Had put together a DC Kits G class some time ago and had gotten handrails for it, for the life of me I can't recall where. Anyhow, I'm firing together the Silverfox G and am a little short with the leftover rails. Mark's don't stock them, would anyone have any spare or direct me to where I'd get more? TIA.
  5. I think people here have been more engaged with who shot at whom in the War of Independence (the WOI sequel still being spoken of in hushed tones) but social and economic history is getting more attention than lists of battles in recent years thankfully. I've noticed otherwise professional historians producing articles and podcasts of excellent 19th/20th century material, but dropping terrible clangers when railways come into the story! Usually it's getting railway terminology and company names wrong.
  6. Good looking locos, but according to the GSR reports, rather a lot of duds. Dated, sluggish runners and poor steamers in the ex MGWR stud. G2 and J26 classes are probably the pick of the bunch in terms of usefulness and longevity, although both were tiny little things. Excluding the Woolwiches as not being an in-house design.
  7. The real life one was dated 1916, but an enamel, not cast from old Chinese bed irons in a backyard furnace. The 'apple for scale' is worth more than the junk sign.
  8. Long way from home. Looks the real deal. Price 280(?) a tad on the spicy side.
  9. Anyone intending to bid on this, don't. It's scrap.
  10. Bridge plate, but could be from anywhere on GNRI where there was a bridge no 25. "Engine plate", auctioneer numpties wouldn't know an engine plate if it dropped on their toes.
  11. That signal is there for decoration, no counterweight, no pulleys, no wires running to it.
  12. It's a platform for token exchange, overlooked by an oil lamp for illumination by night.
  13. The general population are as ignorant about railways as the auctioneers!
  14. They are clueless, like many antique auctioneers here, spoofers, making it up as they go along. Antique auctions here, with a few exceptions, have genuine articles along with fakes and "sexed up" items sprinkled into the mix designed to confuse. Genuine, but humdrum items with modern stuck-on bogus lettering to make them more attractive for sale. It's fun to spot how they get their descriptions wildly incorrect or even things photographed upside down. Non railway items described as "railway" this or that because they have a notion that railway things make more money. Buyer beware are the watchwords here.
  15. GS&WR beer bottle, unfortunately without contents.
  16. Wrong font as well. The real deal isn't that expensive usually, maybe 20 quid absolute tops.
  17. Looks bang on with their estimate.
  18. Ironically banned on trains here.
  19. It'd be nicer with a line of another lighter relieving colour between the two. It looks dull especially in our often overcast weather.
  20. The display area inside, all that's separating people from goodies is a railing last time I visited. You could reach over, grab something and stick it in a bag and be out the door before the bored receptionist would cop it. I heard memorabilia went walkies some years ago. (note, don't do this) Things need to be bolted down or locked away or under cctv because the public cannot be trusted, it's naive to think otherwise.
  21. https://www.adverts.ie/other-home-garden/iron-railway-house/30107448?utm_source=email&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=SearchAlert Some assembly required. Contains small parts. Not suitable for children.
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  22. Perhaps the scrappers were giving away, or selling or appropriating bits for themselves. A dome is hardly the sort of thing you could walk off with in your pocket. I imagine it would not have happened as much in a scrap line sealed off from public view behind the walls of Inchicore.
  23. Barely visible is the "K", GSR suffix for the Muskerry, making it 1K. Formerly "City Of Cork", now sheepdipped grey.
  24. At least it didn't have A4 Pacifics this time! Another blooper was mention of 'two railway companies in Donegal', they forgot about the poor old GNR. They had some excellent ACTUAL CDR/LSR footage. I wouldn't mind but there isn't really a shortage of still CDR/LSR images they could've used instead of stock 'old timey train' footage trotted out for such features. Imagine the uproar if they had gotten sports teams and personalities from different counties mixed up!
  25. Usual RTE thrown together effort with archive footage from railways hundreds of miles from Donegal!
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