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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. Recieved a copy as a gift at Christmas. It's annoying that few of the images give the source or the photographer credit. Some I recognise from Irish Railways in Colour.
  2. Race specials and horse fairs you'd have long rakes of those horse wagons. The Midland had ones with a compartment for the groom and even a built-in dog kennel, perhaps catering to the hunting set. The ones with groom's compartments still retained oil interior lighting long, long after it had disappeared from regular coaching stock.
  3. A p*ss poor imitation of the bogus T&DLR notice also doing the rounds. It looks like something manufactured in a backyard Chinese foundry. More fool whoever buys that piece of junk. Websites hosting these dont care even if they are reported unless they are human body parts or associated with a failed Austrian artist.
  4. The other Tayto (the Free Staytos) did a choc bar a few years back. It wasn't the rip roaring success they thought it would be, in fact I think its discontinued.
  5. Just regular vans were used, no dedicated fish only vans I'm aware of.
  6. Imagine if they did a GAA related series and fecked it up, or a historical documentary and showed a pic of Collins and said it was Dev, as they're both two ould rebels who fought in 1916, like, who cares...there would be uproar. Joe Duffy would be inundated. But broadcast any poorly researched railway shyte, and no one complains.
  7. Well meaning but unrealistic Euro-twaddle. No quick buck to be made hence no interest.
  8. https://www.anglocelt.ie/2023/01/17/the-south-kerry-greenway/ This time aimed at food anoraks. Let's see how many rail related things they get hopelessly wrong!
  9. Only because Midleton wanted it and was hoarse from shouting for it. Youghal on the other hand, couldn't care less. Railway...greenway...briars... like whatever man. IR left to its own devices would never have reopened it.
  10. They don't call the NTA the No Trains Authority for nothing.
  11. https://www.live95fm.ie/news/live95-news/rail-works-causing-homes-privacy-and-security-to-be-stripped-away/ Home owners: we need to meet climate targets and there's too many big lorries on the roads. Also home owners: but a train driver will be able to see into my house now. Some people seriously need to give their heads a wobble. I bet these same sorts would often be the ones using the railway at the end of their precious property as their own personal rubbish tip. Some cheeky sod in Foynes threw his busted home heating oil tank over the wall into the station yard no less.
  12. Mostly it was a shorter, dumpy-looking sort of lamp used here. The GSWR and GNRI marked their initials on their lamps. Railway Signal Co supplied the GN, the GSWR likely made up their own themselves in Inchicore.
  13. There simply isn't the same level of interest here vs the uk to even consider a new build just to run up and down a few miles of line.
  14. The bus must have been red rotten by now. Hopefully it went to a better home if there was any chance of restoration.
  15. I don't think the intention was ever a faithful recreation of a pre-War Maam X, just as Downpatrick is not a BCDR only reserve. We should be thankful SOMETHING positive is happening there, given the 'problematic' history of preservation here.
  16. The loco is in Inchicore en route to Maam X, as is the Bulleid open. The latter has been refloored and painted by now. The 6 wheeler is on a private site not far away from the Halfway.
  17. Boyd refers to the tram engine livery as simply "green" in the book, with no mention of shade or lining.
  18. They would have been fine on a level-ish street tramway as near identical designs worked successfully elsewhere, but the course of the S&SLR was more like a roller coaster.
  19. Even in GSR days, Cark did not stick to the playbook. Cork & Macroom stock, simply lettered 'GS' and not a coat of arms to be seen. Or lining.
  20. If it's not in the Boyd book, I doubt you'll get a definitive answer, short of deep digging in the IRRS library, and even then that info may not have survived. I have the book and can check but like other similar books I say just a colour mentioned in passing. Most loco greens of that period were darkish, tending towards olive green. A default green that the makers slapped on rather than railway officials going through colour cards for their preferred shade.
  21. I'd imagine much of the stores and matereil for these bases would have come by sea even for security reasons alone. Perishable things such as food I could see being sourced locally and transported by train and ferried across to Hawlbowline. Laundry, unless they had a facility on site, could well be shuttled over and back between the base and laundries in the city.
  22. Thoughts and prayers.
  23. I've never seen a pic of a Murphy Bros open actually in use, just a builder's photo. I imagine they had a short Murphys branded life, probably sold to the GSR or CIE to become yet another anonymous looking grey, filth covered wagon.
  24. I assume the original doors got burnt out and they just used standard Inchicore doors rather than trying to source or replicate the old ones?
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