If it wasn't for the Silver Fox A class I wouldn't be modeling Irish Railways. When I started the railway I had practically no experience modifying or scratch building rolling stock and A class and 141/181 were the minimum requirements to effectively portray the era I wanted to model. My goal is to create a realistic plausible model railway which is fun to operate in a prototypical manner and striving to produce an A class up to the standard of Paddy Murphys GM's would not get me far down that road even if I had the ability to do so. At some stage the models will be upgraded, either with the SSM detail kit, when I am more confident in my ability to do a good job of it, or with a new model which will hopefully come on the market. For now when I view the layout in action I don't see a diesel model of questionable accuracy hauling a string of nice looking containers on underframes loosely modified to represent an Irish prototype all running on narrow gauge track. What I see is the Cork Waterford Bell liner travelling between Grange and Glenn More. I would never have started the layout if it was not for the Silver Fox A class.