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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. I think there's a limit of eight pictures per individual post - not that that may be the problem that you're currently encountering.
  2. Slightly nearer to Persia...?
  3. Dutch flying snails were the other way up...
  4. It just gets madder - https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110506200723AAZqq8U ... "There are quite a few species of "flying snail" that have been reported in the Persian Gulf area."
  5. The link is proven - http://www.payvand.com/news/08/dec/1268.html . ..although, I don't see railways mentioned..
  6. Which, of course, is the real reason why he had to miss that match - http://www.soccer-ireland.com/saipan/iran-match.htm .....
  7. Until it was revealed that they had actually escaped in a stolen train, which survived into modern-day Iran - and even survived through the revolution of 1979... ..but, they had changed the logo to Plug & Socket, to cover their tracks..
  8. 00 is 1/76..... ..1/76.2, if I'm to be really picky..
  9. Lovely stuff - beer fund isn't overflowing with cash, though....
  10. Look at the price of that petrol...!!!
  11. It has, now that the post has been edited.....
  12. They existed elsewhere, too - http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1943-Flying-Snails-in-Holland?highlight=snails . Some resemblance to the London Transport logo.
  13. I recall a note on a drawing, back when I had a proper job - "Apply Vaseline very sparingly, then wipe it all off".
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2354421/Worlds-largest-model-railroad-draws-thousands-NJ.html
  15. A few more details emerging - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-31021008 .
  16. I also had a blue 'Mallard'-style streamliner - but I was more a fan of the Lone Star spud gun. It was much more effective if you used something with more 'substance' than a potato, like a turnip, for instance...
  17. He probably has the cornflakes filed away individually..
  18. And, actual justification for having a spiral.....?
  19. Is each individual wagon free-running? Just a few tight axles can have quite a detrimental effect.
  20. Well, I would have done, if I'd looked properly. Talking about the broad gauge section - "It connected the brewery with Kingsbridge goods yard, and at its greatest extent possessed about two miles of track, out of the brewery’s one-time overall mileage of ten. "
  21. Nice article here - http://www.irsociety.co.uk/Archives/22/Guinness.htm - though, I see no mention of the total mileage.. A layout one day..?
  22. We used to move regularly, so a 'real' train set was not practical - I had one of the tiny Lone Star sets, where everything was die-cast - even the track..
  23. I worked in a factory that still had an internal railway into the '90s, though it was disconnected from the mainline in the '70s, I think. This loco, now at Foxfield Railway was one of the last pair that ran in there, along with a battery electric. It was an important skill to be able to avoid twisting your ankle in the slots where the track was embedded - not something that I always managed to achieve, especially on the outdoor sections in the winter...
  24. The point-work around the crossover in the door did allow separation of the two main ovals - and there were three places where the controllers could be plugged in to allow for this.
  25. This - - says it was built at Inchicore in 1915 and withdrawn in 1928.
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