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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. We all just need to do our bit and buy more die-cast models.
  2. If they're twins, then the best option would have been to give them identical names and then it would simply be [NAME]s' birthday. No need for all this unnecessary difficulty. In a pub a few weeks back, a chap came in and didn't recognise the girl behind the bar, actually the landlord's niece. "Who was that behind the bar?" Sarah, Willie's daughter. "Oh, how old is she now?" Twenty. "Oh, how many kids has he?" Two, twins, a boy and a girl. "Oh, how old is the lad?" Everybody just looked at him for the fifteen seconds it took for him to realise why.
  3. Well, not actually a miss, but not as severe a hit as it could have been... https://www.corkbeo.ie/news/local-news/irish-rail-worker-injured-after-27099662?fbclid=IwAR046frObOjgNymVmlRyLxw4YZ3k40RqOakJoUpld5VlqC4WviBLkuCjj2w
  4. Broithe

    New prototype?

    Pedal-powered generators at every seat on the new Cork/Dublin carriages - partial refunds of the ticket price, dependant upon how much you put back in? I'm writing to Eamon Ryan now.
  5. I used to do a bit of work for an old boy who was 96 by that time. He had a garden railway (on posts, because he struggled to get back up off the floor by that point), with self built live-steamers running on it. The terminus and sheds were in his 'dining room' and access to the main line was via a removable bridge that was dropped in place when the patio doors were open. He also made his own mobility scooter, before the electric ones became widely available - this was done by removing the cutters from a ride-on mower and using it to nip up and down to the shops. This was right next to a police training centre and he got a lot of "looks" from them, but nobody wanted to be the one that booked him.
  6. A cat flap to a loop in the outside world, for good days?
  7. https://www.facebook.com/steamtrainsireland/posts/pfbid02h3QZgteaBU9Kk4zwz6KSJmZGUHaXk5cJuWPoawSd4ifZkJf2YwXmFB48wQpAXrXXl
  8. Three Chipmunks, including this one that I first saw sixty years ago... Two heritage flight ones - 168 had a bit of a slight misfire for the first flyby, but flew out successfully later on.
  9. Train running in Abbeyleix today... Odd mix of liveries and the chassis were black. Best not to mention it to someone... I think it was a battery electric device - three of them running all day. Open Day and Airshow at the old De Vesci place - marvellous day!
  10. https://www.radiokerry.ie/podcasts/kerry-today/heritage-hunters-ghost-train-may-31st-2023-333137
  11. Ballybrophy. The piers were later used to provide some shelter for passengers on the island platform.
  12. This remains one of my favourite railway documentaries - the level of determination to 'make it work' is astonishing. Good luck with intricacy that the water features at the start would require on a layout...
  13. Indeed, if you intend to visit Bourton on the Water, then you can have your dinner in what was my bedroom. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.8847524,-1.7583218,3a,41.3y,311.5h,88.19t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQBOUaDnmaTFlaVLJp6sjnQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DQBOUaDnmaTFlaVLJp6sjnQ%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D0.08197921%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu I wonder if they have put the plaque up yet?
  14. Broithe

    IRM "

    I think this one means that their AI software estimates that they have finally got you to relinquish all of your available cash assets into their possession.
  15. Ballybrophy claims around 150 inhabitants and has just had to have the car parking trebled.
  16. For those intent on modelling modern lineside equipment.
  17. Processing that sort of quantity must be quite a difficult operation, unless you've shipped @Darius43 out to China.
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