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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. And the carriages. I have seen a feature on a few weathered carriage windows which might look like an error to people who don't remember just how grimy things could be then. Small, clear circles on otherwise half-opaque windows. You would wander along the platform to spot an empty window seat, then wipe a patch, so that you could actually see out, then try to quickly get to the seat before anybody else did.
  2. Some filming was done on the Lartigue a few days ago - to be aired 'later this week', apparently. So, keep one eye on the telly.
  3. After the apocalyptic weather yesterday, today was nice enough to slice up the sheets for the shelves - outdoors, a much less messy location - just blow the sawdust away. I removed the chipboard cupboard that has been there for 25 years and attached more battens, plus the hanging rods to support the front edges of the shelves. A little trimming, a few suspension holes and cable notches, then the shelves could go up - an intricate sequential operation, but it was achieved with no great mishap. There's still a bit to do - plates to stiffen up the joints between each panel, trimming the suspension hangers and moving the sockets, so the drawer cabinets can fit the space better, etc. But, I now have another fifty feet of shelving, that should do for now.
  4. And, at Ballybrophy, 1 & 2 are in between 3 & 4.
  5. Stafford has no Platform 2, just 1, 3, 4, 5, & 6. Few people have ever noticed. I always tell people that I'll meet them on Platform 2, even people who've lived their whole lives there - it's easy to find them then, as they'll be wandering about all over the place. There was a Platform 2, years ago, where the current Platform 1 is, because the old bay Platform 1 went out of passenger use many decades ago and it seemed a less obvious omission, I suppose, to lose 2 instead of 1, and then just not bother renumbering the others.
  6. This suggests there may never have been a Platform 9. https://web.archive.org/web/20171031104916/http://www.irrs.ie/Journal148/148 Stations.htm Maybe there was felt to be a possibility of one at some point? Perhaps the 'far end' of Platform 8, or something like that?
  7. I caused great hilarity in that station around 2010. I needed to get the train out to Bechovice and got the tram to the station, having gone into town on the bus. It was a Sunday and there was an hour between each train. I expected to just miss the two o'clock, but waiting for the three o'clock was no great hardship, as there's lots to look at and some interesting stalls, too. However, as we approached the station on the tram, it became clear that I might just be able to get the two o'clock train. I was in no rush, but a lifetime of dealing with trains on the Big Island made me feel honour-bound to get a train that was actually on time. I sprinted from the tram into the station, catching my toe on the last step. Initially, I believed that I could recover by running faster, but, however fast I ran, I still kept falling forwards. I also knew that there was a crowd of Japanese tourists on the line I was taking, but, by this stage, I could not see in front of me as I stumbled at high speed towards them. After a few seconds of futile attempts at defeating the situation, I had to admit that, if I didn't give in, I was going to scythe down a few of the Japanese. So, I abandoned the attempt and fell to the floor. It was a nice smooth floor, so I slid along for a bit and, having spotted me coming, the group had parted, like the Red Sea. I sat up, only to see the train departing. This caused the Japanese much amusement. A few days later, I saw them again. The 'lead tourist' was trying to find someone who spoke English, so he could ask directions, but failed with the four or five he tried before me. I answered him in my best pidgin Japanese and he thought that was a small miracle. I was then surrounded by the whole group, jabbering away at me. Then, one of them realised that I was the circus act from the station and they all got even more excited. I saw them a few more times over the next days and they would always give me a round of applause, confusing the natives greatly.
  8. I still have a slight wave in the nail on my left thumb, from getting it clouted by the back door of a Saracen in 1970. I must fill in a claim form.
  9. I assumed it was for tax purposes.
  10. The D & M of D & M Models.
  11. There's still a few places doing them now. E.g., http://www.horsedrawncaravans.com/ We had one in Galway around 1967/8, from a bloke called Michael Og Fahy, near Corrandulla. The horse was called Peaches and she was a remarkably placid thing. One night, we parked up near the shore of Lough Corrib and there was just nothing to tie the long rope to, so that she had scope to graze and wander about. My father decided that it would be OK to tie her to the caravan itself, so that she didn't just wander off. That would have been OK, if she hadn't got the urge to investigate the lake at 2am and pull the caravan in behind her...
  12. I went to the Knock (Tipp) tractor run in November, no sign of one in my photos, but do let me know if it is likely to venture out to on in the future.
  13. 100 gallons per hour, or a gallon every 40 seconds - that does seem rather excessive.
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