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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Make some tea before you start watching this.
  2. If this loco was ever to receive nameplates, it would need to be something appropriate, surely?
  3. There might be x-rays in a bit.
  4. We are prepared for you to take that risk, for the common good.
  5. Is your Domestic Supervisor one of those that like Essential Oils? An ideal present to ingratiate yourself and create the right atmosphere. https://www.freshskin.co.uk/product/steam-train-fragrance-oil/
  6. https://www.rte.ie/news/regional/2023/0308/1360992-dart-services/
  7. Trackside safety needs to be taken seriously, of course. Issuing swans with hi-vis is long overdue.
  8. Broithe

    Customs & VAT

    I probably* still have one in the system, from a few years ago, where they claimed it was going to be delivered the day before it was despatched. When it was finally delivered, the system seemed unable to cope with such a time paradox and left it existing in some sort of Back the Future limbo. * They now can't find it at all, three years later - "Sorry, we're currently unable to confirm the status of your item with reference GQ171144677GB . Please try again tomorrow." It did finally appear, but the system never got further than shown in the picture, I looked every now and then until I got fed up.
  9. Broithe

    Customs & VAT

  10. It was only Silk Cut Purple, honest.
  11. Have you actually seen this in real life? Or was it possibly a vision that you had whilst relaxing after a hard day?
  12. Yeah, I'm far too young to remember the start of the second half of the last century. I do remember some things that have changed, like spelling the verb form of 'show' as 'shew' - that was regarded as a 'better form' in the posh parts of England, and people who worked for councils or solicitors, etc, would often be required to do it. I have an early edition of The Last of the Mohicans and 'ankle' is spelt as 'ancle' all the way through.
  13. Agreed! Time to rein it in, lads.
  14. Three locos, put through a mincer, all the bits supplied in the one plastic bag, no prior identification. Let's see how good he really is.
  15. Or just run saddle tanks..?
  16. During a post-fire renovation of a local pub, I was tasked with remounting some pictures - amongst them was a mirror identical to this. I was struck by the spelling.
  17. Only 'cos it's easier to spell than "Yes"..?
  18. No hard border down the middle of the Liffey.
  19. Some sort of power-sharing agreement?
  20. They had other interesting company that was less welcome - WR986 was written off due to a rat infestation. https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/157361
  21. It is remarkable that what was, essentially, a Lancaster Mk 3 served on into the 1990s. Also odd, was that they got steadily better-looking as they were modified over the years.
  22. If customisable sounds become available on EVs, I'll be looking for Shackleton sound files.
  23. It seems to me that it should be fairly easy to have convincing sound effects, both inside and outside the vehicle. Almost like DCC sound is, but with a bit more 'scale and depth'.
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