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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Next time I'm talking to Normans son Wesley I'll tell him that his dads memory lives on. I first met the man in 1975 - a real gentleman.
  2. Your modelling is very impressive, a question off subject. What heights are your embankments raised? I have to do the same job soon, my bridges were 12' clearance underneath so I reckoned on around 60-70mm to top of trackbed.
  3. Its sad.............. that we have to do this, British Outline never commands these prices
  4. I'd be interested in David (Holmans) opinion of this loco as a GNRi look-a-like?
  5. Yes, of course there are better options. The eBay seller has accepted a return. Better again!
  6. David, in fairness - if I were to get worried about 4" of driving wheel difference (less than 1.5mm) I'd just hang up my modelling boots. The other cosmetic differences could be remedied if I wanted. However, the balance here is between absolutely Irish, or nothing at all. A majority of the folk on this forum are modelling 'Irish' on 00 gauge track work which is miles out, a very insignificant number are modelling 5'3" and the rest just want to enjoy their hobby. I'm trying to make the best of what the market has to offer, what looks good and what I want to spend.
  7. Thicknesses suitable to produce wagon sides and ends. Can they cut Wills Scenic sheets (random stone etc) so I can produce buildings I've drawn up?
  8. Is there a desktop laser cutter on the market that can cut plasticard easily from autoCad drawings? Anyone with experience of these machines?
  9. As much as I like N, I'm planning on buying all my Code 75 at the end of the month.
  10. George, heres an excellent example in N of those long trains you pine for, courtesy of our friends at the Gauge Forum. You should come over for a peep........
  11. If I ever decided to go N, I wouldn't be depending on anyone. I would be simply making a lot of concessions and enjoying it.
  12. I thought this nice 2-6-0 was a pretty close match to the Ex-NCC locos that came through the Derry Road in the latter days of service. Bought this today for £50 and plan on some weathering and applying UTA numbers and crest. Does it look alright apart from shorter chimney and dome?
  13. I don’t imagine that the original buildings or platforms would have remained. By the early 70s the platform, though still in place were crumbling at the edges and falling apart. I think the station have have moved out to Crevenagh just before the line approached the Market Branch with the current new Park and Ride serving it well. The Lynn Bridge would certainly have needed an upgrade, pictured earlier today.
  14. I agree, met the man himself in Enniskillen - loved his cracking layout 'Llangollen'.
  15. The biggest drawback I find is that it does sometimes have that 'toy' look to it.
  16. If the railway network was still intact today on the Derry Road, what rolling stock and locomotives do you imagine would be working their way through Omagh. I think its nice to model the 1950s steam era but it would be a nice touch to also consider running modern day trains. Would the original station building have been kept or would it have been relocated elsewhere to a modern NIR platform outside town?
  17. Trainboy, excellent layout. I loved the trackside views and close camera work. Tell us a bit more about your wagon stock, it wasn't always easy to pick out what it was and where it was sourced from. Nice piece of work.
  18. Space permitting
  19. How many folk here, would honestly build an N gauge layout, if there were a wide selection of ready-to-run locos available off the shelf..... S Class - U - UG - SG3 and wagons of every description. Show of hands, be honest!
  20. Looking forward to seeing this layout progress. The Fintona horse tram idea is worth considering. I built a model of the tram in 1992 which was purchased by the Transport Museum in Cultra. At the time, Tony Miles was toying around with the idea of a tram fitted with a drive shaft that linked with the horses rear end and made it walk! Detailed work....
  21. i’m thinking ahead a bit but I have to scratchbuild a bridge over a river that was just outside the Market Branch in Omagh. I plan on raising my track bed all round by at least 50-60mm to allow two road bridges. The bridge on the other hand may need more of a drop. Is the solution to raise the trackbed and drop below the baseboard frame?
  22. Noel, as much as I love model railways I don't think that the 700mm behind the camera position is going to make much difference. Just inside the door on the right is a narrow space of maybe 200mm, I would be opening the shed door and be partially blocked as I enter even with leave the lift-off section down. It gives me some workshop space to the right and a fiddle yard to the left.
  23. Did you ever get the feeling when standing at close proximity to your layout boards that 00 gauge is 'too big', lacks the illusion of distance and travel. Just a thought.....
  24. Not really sure what you mean but my intentions are mainly goods. Can't really see how practical it would be to run coaches in this space. However I have a single length of N-gauge track sitting on the window cill of the shed - and every time I glance at it, I start to get mouth-watering ideas about very long goods trains and passenger coaches!
  25. Baseboard end fitted today to give possibilities of a running train in a circuit. This last fixture rests on good quality right-angle brackets and will be designed to lift in and out as required though entry is possible by 'ducking under' the baseboard. As you can see there some planning going on with lots to consider. Its quite deceiving in size. I have 2m x 1.6, the left hand side is 2.8m long to allow for a fiddle yard, just out of shot. No hurry on my part, its still not garden shed weather!
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