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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Got some 12x8 prints of both Omagh and Fintona done, will fix to mounting card and bring to Enniskillen.
  2. It would be a treat to see this layout. Omagh GNRi station is a static model of the entire station area built by me and purchased by the local Library HQ for display in their new premises. I may bring a collection of railway photographs with me to display. The offer to attend was dropped on me today by the organisers and I couldn't say no.
  3. Model Railway Exhibition & Collectors Fair Cathedral Hall Enniskillen Saturday 30 September 10am-5pm An amazing display of model railway layouts including Diecast Collectors Models, Scenic Materials, Plastic Construction Kits and all sorts of modelling assessors available from traders on the day. I have been asked to attend by the organisers as they are bringing a model of Omagh GNRi station along that I built some 25years ago.
  4. Just gathering my stock of new GNRi white metal castings of brake shoes, brake levers, axle boxes and W-irons. The white metal levers and shoes are amazingly detailed and really quality castings. Getting ready to start building as soon as the holiday seasons ends.
  5. I finally managed to fly in one of these. I flew Manchester to Adelaide via Dubai, fantastic huge plane
  6. David, a truly fascinating piece of modelling. I can see you possess the gift of patience. The detail and choice of colours are so good. I just can't wait to get back to my modelling again soon, just back from Australia yesterday and off to Naples and Rome in three weeks time. Then the challenge begins. With inspiration like yours on this forum, it all helps.
  7. Colin, supplier is not in business at moment and I am simply buying up as much existing parts he has available. If the situation changes and he returns to full-scale production he will, I am sure, make himself known.
  8. This week managed to get hold of a lot of white metal brake shoes, single brake levers, white metal GNRi wagon parts and axleboxes. Building the parts box.
  9. Patrick, very nice indeed. I can tell that you are pleased with your work and I can only say that having achieved what you have done, you can now continue to add more detail on the platform to bring it all to life. Some railway staff and passengers give any layout life. Well done.
  10. The hmrs drawings cost a ransom
  11. Leslie, that message was posted on the forum in December last year and very soon after I bought the wagon book of Richard. I really have no interest in loco or carriage drawings. Thanks anyway for the reply. I did a fair bit of travel by rail on many RPSI tours with an old friend Norman Johnston and he had my head turned writing carriage numbers into a little log book for him. This was long before he ever launched Colorpoint Books. Little did I know then that all this note taking led to much of the research he put into writing many books.
  12. A fantastic find, thank you for posting!
  13. I've not quite sourced these though I am confident that there are plenty on the market that suit.
  14. Placed order this morning for brass w-irons, white metal axle-boxes and springs. Also some nice shouldered pin point bearings. Stocking up on parts for some scratch building.
  15. Colin, what we need is a 9'6" and 10' wheelbase wagon underframe with the correct single brake lever, then we can mount multiple scratch built bodies on top.
  16. Nelson, the brass w-irons and white metal axle boxes/springs make an excellent base for any wagon. I have also had several nice single lever brakes and shoes. I'm trying to source a good quality braking system for GNRi wagons, many are fragile and are very cosmetic. I'd like something that has good definition and quality about it that will actually connect with the wagon floor.
  17. I have found that Dart Castings have very accurate axleboxes/springs and W-irons very similar to GNRi wagons and pin point bearings for wheels.The W-irons come complete with detailing and coupling plates on the same brass etching.
  18. I would like to open a thread for anyone interesting in pooling their knowledge and expertise in scratch building GNRi wagons. I'm keen to build a selection of these and I am sure there is a wealth of expertise, interest and resources.
  19. I have noted recently that every post I submit in these forums can be found on an internet search, whether its text or photographs.
  20. 24th July 1961
  21. I found the hard way that 'ready to rub' just doesn't exist for GNRi. I'm relocating to a nice shed soon and I'll be scratchbuilding a selection of Irish wagons.
  22. Nice to have finally got a lovely picture of the Permanent Way Weed Sprayer at Omagh. Will have to look at GNRi Wagon book (Diagram 55) for details - another scratch building project to prepare for.
  23. Colin, back in the early 80s when Paddy Mallon was alive, he frequently copied all locomotive and wagon books for me at no cost and after I married and moved house I gave many of them to various Irish modellers around the country. His collection is with Louth County Council but they are vey slow at acting upon requests. A few years ago one of their archivists took the time to do A3 scans of the Omagh track plans from the GNRi Engineers Book and this cost me £25. Since this I have sent in other requests, and never got a response. Worth trying but Richard McLachlan has probably got whatever you are after anyway.
  24. I also have a copy of an Ordnance Survey map which shows the track layout and buildings pre-1957 and an architect kindly gave me some aerial shots over the town and station buildings.
  25. Cheers all, I actually have the official GNRi engineers track plan and buildings plan which I obtained from Paddy Mallons archive in Drogheda. This is very accurate however now that I have drawn the plans and elevations in autoCad I find there is one little corner that appears to be an 'extension' and it needs to be teased out a little better to work. There is a lack of photographs of this area, however, Charles Friel came to the rescue this evening with something new that will help. Full Steam ahead!!!
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