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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. I had a layout in an attic some 30+ years ago and I hated it. I would never use it again. My current attic is huge - a cut roof with no internal bracing, all old tradition rafters on purlins. I could in theory build a massive layout but I wouldn't start.
  2. Kieran, breathtaking stuff here that inspires us all. Your entire thread will serve as great inspiration for me over the weeks, months and years to come. Well Done.
  3. I'm waiting on a new garden shed to arrive - measuring 10' x 8'. When it arrives I will be fitting insulation into the voids and probably sheeting off most of the inside and insulating the internal roof surfaces. I need to provide some form of ventilation. Once I have cleared the foundation for the shed, I can also prepare the new base and install 4" high density foam which will be between ground and shed floor.
  4. Sorry no pictures but he has invited me back to help him with a bottle of red wine.
  5. Our new neighbour Mike, a retired London city chef called in today. His wife died soon after they retired and moved to Ireland. He told me he had a model railway in his shed so he wanted to say hello and invite me over. He had a lovely little N-gauge layout which was probably about 3' x 2' and in that small space had three engines running, a long train of passenger coaches and quite a lot of wagon stock. The layout had several points, bridges and flyovers. I couldn't believe how much was crammed into such a small space and although it was quite small, compared to 00, I was really impressed by this busy little layout. Just think of what you could do on a bigger baseboard!
  6. My only problem with N-gauge is the difficulty of the size vs. my eyesight.
  7. I'm considering N-gauge at the moment but to be honest I would need to see a layout and handle to stock. I've only ever seen it in catalogues/on line. I'd imagine that it really cuts down of availability of everything Irish - and thats not easy in 4mm either as it is.
  8. I've decided to call a halt to Omagh North. It isn't taking shape the way I want it and its better to stop now. I plan on taking the time to investigate, plan and design a layout that will allow travel and journey. I have learned so much from the short time I've been here and I thank each and every one of you guys for help, support and advice. A new Omagh will be born soon!
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/-/332176713956?
  10. Selection of Peco electrofrog Code 100 points for sale - three months old - has been weathered but points are all in perfect working order. Dismantling layout to move to new location. Genuine reason for sale. 3 no. LH Points £6each 1 no. RH Point £6 2 no. Left Curved Radius £8 each 2 no. Right Curved Radius £8 each Job Lot £45 including Postage to UK/Ireland address PM
  11. Thanks Noel, all this advice helps. What track are you using by the way? I'm thinking seriously now about the move to a new garden shed which will mean that Omagh North could be relocated and take on a whole new design.
  12. Noel and Mike, glad you said no to use the emery paper, was a very fine grade. I started doing a little last night but will finish with a solvent and cloth today. The Woodland Scenics grey ballast looks really awful, I've bought one of those shakers full and to be honest I feel its so grey! Here's a small sample, laid but not glued.whats your opinion?
  13. Finished painting the rail sides today and tomorrow in better light will run down the top of the rails with a little emery paper. Is it ok to ballast next? The track looks great, looking forward to seeing the detailing come together. Is it ok to cut away the small manual 'finger tip' tie bar extensions on the Peco points? They look ghastly! I got Woodland Scenics fine grey ballast. I was surprised to see how fine it actually was. Is this ok?
  14. Nelson, it looks amazing and I envy your high quality modelling. You are lucky that you have your youthful eyesight, its a blessing! I've bought brass w-irons and axle boxes from MJT to scratch build a wagon, hopefully over the Easter break. Well done.
  15. Noel, I brush painted the rails, two coats with a small artists brush. When dry, I touched up any parts I missed. I must admit I thought it looked better as it got darker. I'm now planning on using a fine grey granite ballast to finish. I've no idea how much it is going to take.
  16. As a young boy I walked home from school along the railway, it had just closed and I remember clearly picking my way along the paths created by railway employees and permanent way men. The granite chips were grey though I do recall a brown rusty deposit on them. I think Noel has been able to replicate this well on his samples by spraying along the sleeper ends over the ballast. As for track painting - I found that it took two coats to really kill the shine of the Peco rails. I also think that rusted rail and pretty heavy in colour and therefore may even take a third coat of slightly deluted Rail Match sleeper grime.
  17. This morning I woke with a reassured feeling of determination, encouraged by the positive friends on the forum. By 7.30am I was weathering more of my rail and by tomorrow should have it all weather painted. I am determined to solve the things that are proving difficult and moving positively forward with Omagh North. Next week I intend ballasting the track and then start some work on a wonderful cattle wagon kit that I want to build and start scratchbuilding others. So lets get cracking on with this project!
  18. Tonight I'm actually finishing the painting of the sides of my rails. Its taken two coats of RailMatch to look like anything decent. I'll finish painting all the rail and probably ballast the entire layout to see what sort of 'lift' it gives the track.
  19. All of the feedback is appreciated, thanks. My son is moving house in the next few weeks. He has a 12x8 garden shed that is very well made, water-tight and less than a year old. He is giving it to me. At work, our bricklayers have dozens of sheets of un-used 2" and 4" high density foil backed insulation that they want shot off. I can take it anytime, free. With that in mind, I am thinking of taking the shed and re-building it with a 4" insulated base and filling the side panels with the 2" high density foam, followed by 4" foam into the roof area. This would give me scope for a really busy layout that would keep me motivated over many years with no limit on track space. For anyone who has a layout in a shed, is this a worthwhile option considering that Ireland spends most of it life until a shower of constant rain!
  20. One of the problems with the space is I have half an engine shed and half a platform, very poor design I think. This is where we learn from our mistakes and move on I guess.
  21. The story so far......
  22. I appreciate all the comments. The main problem is a design flaw. One engine is only able to take two wagons max into sidings. Being end to end makes the project somewhat dead. I can move 'sideways' but little up and down travel. I'm in deep thought.
  23. I've put a lot of work into getting Omagh North off the ground and now three months later I'm a bit disillusioned by the limitations of a 2m x 500mm end-to-end layout. My engine simply moves from A to B and back again with no illusion of travel at all. I'm putting it on hold for a week of so as the doubts are causing me much concern. I don't know whether I should move to N-gauge or try something totally different in 4mm. I'd like to hear other modellers thoughts on my plight.
  24. I'm using RailMatch sleeper grime and it looks pretty good. To be honest, when ballast is added and a bit of detailing on the track side the track will be the least of my worries!
  25. I'm using Code 100 Peco on my Omagh North layout and yesterday I started painting the sides of the rails. This seems to take the harsh look off the rail sides to some degree. Thirty years ago when I read the arguments about modelling 5'3" it was so difficult and today I don't think it is any easier. I don't too many people are bothered about the odd millimetre here and there, are they?
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