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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. So excited today after receiving my first GNR(i) wagon kit from Provincial Wagons. A great little kit that I'm looking forward to seeing on 'Omagh North' in due course. Thanks Leslie.
  2. Thanks Andy, very kind of you to offer.
  3. This is Market Branch Goods Yard which is the site of the new library. The buildings on the right have been renovated and exist today.
  4. Is there any published dimensions of goods shed clearance at opening such as this at Omagh. The opening is actually to the right of shot, the other one, facing camera, was not an engine access. I'm sure its all standard but don't want to guess. Need height and width for single line openings.
  5. Noel, interesting results. I used the 3mm cork which I bought off eBay in 2m roll x 500mm wide. The fine ballast looks superior and I'm returning to this thread when its time for me to ballast my own track, thanks.
  6. Don't know if this is the correct place to post this but on the subject of the Shell wagon heres a picture from Omagh Market Branch station and although side view, there are clearly both SHELL and ESSO Wagons in the sidings here.
  7. Sent a PM - thank you
  8. Switches set into small matt black perspex panel that was cut by laser. Just need a few very small screws to fix to plywood top, neat.
  9. Please excuse my ignorance of Irish GNR wagon detail but is this wagon chassis and brakes not something close to Irish? The wheelbase is only 8'6" but in terms of scale thats just 1.99mm of a difference. Unless there is something terribly wrong, that I don't see, would this be a pretty good starting point for a scratch built wagon?
  10. Andy, any photographs would help the description - and thanks to both yourself and Leslie for 'stepping forward'.
  11. Controller box in place with all cables below surface. Waiting for laser cut black perspex panel to mount switches.
  12. Made this little box to hold my Gaugemaster in place under the baseboard top and out of site. Its now fitted and ready for the controller. Worked out pretty well, glad I took my time and thought it through. As you can see, I'm still waiting for my small perspex panel to house the DPDT switches and its almost ready. My Irish GNR(i) styled signal cabin will sit in front of the DPDT switches so they won't be seen from any likely audience, should I ever go public! To be honest, I'm still undecided about point control..... help?
  13. Just amazing looking, part of the pleasure of this forum is learning from others.
  14. I am sure they would have met, along the lines....... my grandad was promoted at one point to manning the level-crossing at Edenderry and then to foreman. This got him a railway house at Beragh. My dad hating living in the country so he would cycle into Omagh every day to play football.
  15. I'm sure they were acquainted
  16. Anyone ever see a certificate like this before.....
  17. Very interesting indeed, he had a busy portfolio!
  18. An idea yes, I was talking to Selwyn just a few weeks back. He has a great collection. Thats were I got the Omagh North diagram and idea. Did your dad work Omagh, like my grandfather?
  19. Noel, that layout looks fantastic, including the curved platforms. The Peco edging and Slaters surface is a good choice as I need something other than the Peco grey top surface.
  20. What looks best Peco platform system or Wills?
  21. A friend introduced me to an old ex-GNR(i) employee today who worked as a Carpenter on the railway. He said his job was carrying out the maintenance of GNR(i) station buildings, gate houses and fencing. When the railway closed he was 'Clerk of Works' on the lifting trains, with the responsibility of lifting the lines between Derry and Portadown. Interestingly, he has photographs which he is going to dig out, one of which includes my grandfather Paddy McGartland who worked with the GNR(i) for 43years.
  22. The only problem I see and its not the end of the world is that I have limitations on the number of wagons I can run into sidings etc. Other than that, its manageable, it works and its fun!
  23. Omagh North is now a 'live' functional layout having been wired at last. Still have to mount my DPDT switches into a small laser cut black perspex control panel and make a small under-baseboard shelf to hold my controller.I intend spending some time today getting familiar with the switches and controller. The next task is to make a decision on point control, won't be easy as nothing has really impressed me yet!
  24. Got a bit more done this evening. Connected all power feed joiners to main wiring under baseboard and installed wires and diodes to connect to Gaugemaster shuttle controller. Managed to wire my first DPDT switch to shuttle controller and I'm listening to the sound of my first loco on the track. Tomorrow afternoon, all being well I can connect the rest of the circuit!
  25. Thank you all for your help and guidance on this topic. I tried for three days and was making a real mess so I opted for the Peco powered joiners and fitted all of them tonight, hassle free. All I need to do now is wire underneath to my DPDT switches and we're hopefully ready to test all lines and sidings!
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