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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Dave, since I have used electro-frog points throughout I just have no experience of wiring. I want to get it right before I fix track to my baseboard.
  2. Very Kind of you BosKonay!
  3. Just found some old negatives, none of them labelled but I scanned so anyone with knowledge can label them
  4. In the mid 1980s when I built a model of Omagh General Station, with the good advice of both Tony Miles and David Goodwin I began buying parts to build Irish 5'3" track and points. After weeks of trial and error I gave up. It was expensive, difficult and in the end although it may have been visually superior it was just preventing me from progressing. I gave up and resorted to Peco 00 code 100 streamline and burned off all my modelling energy scratch building everything else to detail. I'm now building 'Omagh North' and many years later and wiser, I still am happy to use Peco. I have 10 points in a small 2metre shunting area and wouldn't dream of building them manually.
  5. I am considering sending a layout drawing to Peco Technical Advice for wiring advice but wondered if there was anyone on the forum who is equally familiar with the wiring expertise, who would be willing to help. I have a drawing with all Peco points shown. Any takers?
  6. Good Morning, I have now purchased all points and flexi track for this Omagh North shunting layout, a few points arriving arriving the holiday break. I think I will send a drawing to Peco and let them assist with the wiring of the electrophori points. The plan is to use a Gaugemaster Super-Shuttle on one of the lines to maintain some interest and on a separate line carry out all shunting operations. When I'm back at work on Wednesday I can make up my baseboard frames and assemble all. I'm doing this is two sections with spring-loaded suitcase type catches to hold them firmly together. I find this better than the hinge and pin method. Exciting times ahead. I can start work scratch building my rolling stock.When I have the tracks laid and wired i'll post pictures.
  7. From experience are there any wagon/chasis kits on the market that can be adapted to the GNR(i) or is it best just to scratch build onto chassis kits.
  8. Mayner, your comments and suggestions really fit well with what I'm thinking at the moment, the attached photo shows how busy this North Cabin view can be. I still meet one of the last shunters still living in Omagh who did all the shunting at the station. I will be able to ask him of the stock that he worked. Using the footbridge and platform ends to block the station is a great idea and I'm grateful for pointing me in the right direction.
  9. Glenderg, I welcome your comments and design suggestion. The difficulty that I am experiencing is limits of space and complexity of the model. In an attempt to recreate the original, the number of points prevents the operation of the loco and wagons. I have resigned myself to avoid trying to replicate the track layout 100% and concentrate on the movement of the wagons and engine.
  10. David, nice to know i'll check that out, thanks
  11. Apologies the original post should read 'Homebase' - not homeless! Anyway, I spent the morning clearing out my music room and set up the trestle table in front of the window. It gives me 2metres x 600 of surface space and its more than I imagined I wanted when I started. The metal supporting framework is lightweight and robust. I can build a two-section baseboard and if I ever get invited to the next 'Modellers Exhibition' I can pack all including my folding trestle to display.
  12. Glover, a small treat for you. No. 171 arriving in Omagh 1956
  13. Heres a sad looking Omagh North Cabin taken 1966 after closure. Would anyone know if there is a commercial signal box kit that closely resembles this or would I be better scratch-building?
  14. As a child I travelled to Belfast with my mum a few times from Omagh but I recall little about it. Where we lived we could hear the permanentway men working on the lines. My grandfather was a GNR(i) permanent way man for 43years, including a stint as foreman too. During his spell with the GNR(i) he also took up the position of crossing-keeper at Edenderry, a position which gave you a free home next the line. My dad and his brother hated being out of the town and would cycle in every day to Omagh. We'd watch the steam engines pass the back of the house very day. I also remember the comfort of my bed and sounds of the late night goods trains.
  15. With some fine tuning of the layout arrangement I can get what I'm after. Also, I have decided that a portable layout is the way to go. Homeless are selling a sturdy wallpapering table with metal frame for £23. A bargain and also very rigid measuring 2m x 600mm.
  16. The track on the right would be either shortened or run inside the shed.
  17. Back to topic, attached is a track plan that I have put together using Peco templates collated to a paper background measuring 1800mm x 300mm exactly. Apart from a signal box in the mid/lower part of the baseboard I am considering the goods store at the right end side. Can any experienced modellers/shunters here see any problem with this compact arrangement?
  18. Was never aware of a siding but there certainly was a siding at Nestles factory on the Derry Road.
  19. Those flax stores were revoted when Dunnes opened there and are still in use today, if only as storage.
  20. I have memories of it after closure only and when it became the local pig market.
  21. From memory the Market Branch layout is of little interest and there were a lot of sidings. I think i'll freelance with an Irish rolling stock theme. The attached picture shows the branch with some goods.
  22. I think you are right. I am able to get half of it onto a 2m x 400mm board but already it is taking over the space I set aside. I was in a model shop recently and I saw a beautiful little layout measure 1.5m x 200mm. There was one piece of track only and a station and halt at either end. The engine was powered by a gauge master shuttle and I could have stood looking at it all day, it gave me great pleasure. That was one of the reasons I decided to model again so maybe I should stick with my original plan.
  23. I have a plan which incorporates curved points and with the addition of a few sidings, it appears that the overall size will get wider. I initially wanted to keep it small and simple and as soon as I get to the design stage I forget about my limitations and problems arise. Maybe I should forget about the Omagh North plan and come up with something original and simple.
  24. I actually reduced the file size because I couldn't load it initially.
  25. Heres a much closer look at the track, maybe from the wrong side though to see your point
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