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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Does anyone currently do GN (Irish) waterslide transfers for 00 gauge on the market?
  2. I am considering Omagh North Cabin which is an area just outside of the passenger station. Lots of points and curves. I'm still a bit concerned about the number of points in a short space and it may restrict things however I can simplify things to make it all work.
  3. Would a layout measuring 2400 x 300 for shunting end to end be adequate? There are about 8 points contained in it.
  4. I've just been given the wife approval to stay indoors with my new model railway project and not build in the summer house. Provided I don't start nailing batten or brackets to the wall I have a nice room (the music room)where I can build a small layout using a board that will be supported by ikea bookshelves underneath. Now that I've got her approval, I'm away out to the garden to do a bit of weeding, and gain a few more 'brownie points'. Happy Days ahead!
  5. GNR(I) PP Class 4-4-0 No. 42 at Market Branch on IRRS Special leaving Omagh
  6. Market Branch junction
  7. Dave, thanks I think thats a good choice then. In my experience Peco point motors are quite noisy, do you know if the smaller Peco point motor that fits beside the lever on top is any quieter?
  8. With a board space of 2100 x 325mm I will have to redesign to allow for some reasonable shunting only using a shuttle controller. I purchased Gaugemaster twin-controller, super-shuttle and some flexi Peco streamline. I have gathered some wagons and a nice 0-6-0 loco to get me started.
  9. Many years ago I was lucky enough to get a package full of GNR(i) drawings from Paddy Mallon who was foreman at the Dundalk works. Over the years these were mislaid. Is there anywhere on the web that I can get some of these drawings replaced?
  10. I have a few from negatives, need to reduce the resolution because they are huge files and I cannot upload at moment.
  11. I have a large collection of almost 200 photographs showing general views of Omagh General Station and Goods Yard 1920s - 1966. These pictures show many GNR(i) engines and rolling stock that could be useful for modellers. If you have a particular request do get in touch. I don't mind posting of sending by private email. I've posted one typical example, Happy Christmas!
  12. By the way, you have specified Elecrofrog points - is this the most suitable choice for this layout?
  13. Noel, this looks fantastic and I thank you for taking the time to do this. I don't have RailModeller and I can tell you I've been tearing my hair out all day yesterday trying to retrieve a lost password assigned to my MacBook ID which the system doesn't recognise after an Apple Update. I went to the AppStore several times to purchase the software but it won't allow me access to the account. I'm going to have to delete my old ID and create a new one. Getting back to your drawing, it looks very good and comes close to giving me some starting point. It would be interesting to know what size of baseboard would be required for this layout - end to end - as I have a space allocated for the building. I'm getting back into modelling again, easing myself in before I take too big a jump. I appreciate your response posted here, thank you again.
  14. Would you have a moment of free time to try importing a jpeg of mine to see what results you get? See attachment of Omagh North.
  15. Very good, never thought about the scale problem, however they could be figured in some shape or form
  16. Kirley, lovely piece of work.
  17. Noel, is it possible for the software to produce a layout plan from a jpeg? I took a photograph of a track layout from a signal box and it would make an interesting project. Can your software do this, I also use the MacBookPro.
  18. Thanks for your post, I'm living on the Tamlaght Road myself now and making plans on building my first layout in many years.
  19. This is my first post on this forum and it does my heart good to see a beautiful loco like this, that passed through Omagh many times in its day. I have uploaded a picture of No. 40 arriving in Omagh. Its pure class, well done!
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