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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Do point motors, in general, cause any harm to the springs and locking of Peco streamline points?
  2. 0 gauge model of Fintona Horse Tram that I built when my friend Norman was writing the book. Purchased by Folk and Tranport museum, plastikard and brass. Spiral staircase made from plastic and also, to perfection.
  3. I've just scrolled through some amazing pics of your layout JB and it is inspiring, well done.
  4. Thanks guys for the useful guidance on uncoupling possibilities, I guess I am thinking ahead because today I started making preparations for the baseboard joint and soldering my track. I decided to go with a tip Dhu Varren expressed back in 2018 where he suggested using his tried and tested method of inserting copper pins into the baseboard, tight to the outsides of the rails and soldering to these. I took the heads of my copper pins and inserted them into the baseboard, l then soldered the rails and made a perfect cut of the track using a brand new track saw, perfect job.
  5. GNRi1959


  6. Colin, glad you brought it up. I have used Cork on four layouts in the past and after all the care and attention I paid in chamfering the shoulder, there was little reduction in sound transmission. However, the noise is that of a moving train and to be honest sounds good.
  7. Your diagram was most interesting and offers ideas that will help. I presume the magnets are for uncoupling? Can these be used on Dapol type wagons for this purpose? Thank you for sharing David.
  8. I’m at a fairly important part of my layout where I have laid my track, fitted all insulated railjoiners and droppers and I’m now underneath thinking about connections and where everything should go. I don’t envisage wanting to display it at a model Railway show just yet but l have made it in two sections, bolted together with 3” bolts, washers and wing nuts. What is the best way of connecting cable under the boards, with a view to quickly separating them if it does need to be moved.
  9. David, I looks really interesting and well thought out. Good luck with it.
  10. Bit of track laid today but not fixed, wired temporarily and ready to test loco. Runs pretty well too. 20211107_161329.mp4
  11. Even though I have a good supply of point motors, I am seriously considering mechanical point control. Has anyone used DCC Manual Point controls, expensive but looks great.
  12. Thanks, the track is cut but just sitting there loose. I came across around ten Gaugemaster point motors and CDU so I suppose the next step will be to paint the baseboards before I lay the track. Don't think I'll lay any Cork, there was no ballast shoulder I'm aware of at Fintona.
  13. All previous discussions on Fintona will now be posted here as Fintona Station has been born. This morning I laid out my track, based very closely to new drawings I obtained during the week. My only sacrifice being the shortening of a siding, which will only be used to conceal the line emerging from my fiddle yard, as recommended by Galteemore.
  14. I used DAS modelling class on Omagh Goods Yard but I brush the baseboard with pva first and it was fine
  15. Looks good but I'm happy to settle for a few points in the FY. Have you used cork? I don’t think Fintona has much of a ballast shoulder, the horse had everything trampled under foot.
  16. Absolutely brilliant, thanks for sharing. I wanted to ask, where my single line disappears into the fiddle yard, is it common practice to run a series of points off this line to form the fiddle yard.
  17. What's the scene on the other side of the viewing area, in the fiddle yard?
  18. Thank you so much, that works really well.
  19. Great idea, I think there is a goods store I can use, what do your actual opening look like them, if you don’t mind
  20. What work around is there when your fiddle yard is accessed by a bridge or tunnel when the prototype doesn't have one.
  21. A copy arrived in the post this morning, I’ve been so busy I didn’t even get a chance to open it - such is retirement!
  22. I managed to get to our local library this morning and the Local History department were kind enough to allow me to copy an ordnance survey map showing the track layout clearly. It is similar to those shown here already, though it doesn’t show the curvature of the goods platform. I managed to set out a track drawing from this using grids to get my proportions correct and it seems to be a good do-able project.
  23. Omagh station was still standing in 1972, I used to go through the station, walking between the platforms. There were still signs fixed to different parts of the buildings. As you say, vandals were better behaved back then.
  24. I printed a lof of stuff for Norman Johnson when he was writing the book on Fintona. One of a series of negatives were taken on 1st October, the day after closure. An old friend from Omagh, Ken Donald, sadly not with us any longer, helped push the tram out of the station area to couple up to the loco that took it away to Belfast.
  25. Three days before the tram was taken to Belfast 28th Sept. 1957
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