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Irish Rail

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Everything posted by Irish Rail

  1. Thanks a mill MJ
  2. Several years ago around 2013/14 I remember a company making ammonia wagons as kits this was after the MIR kits of the 90/00s Are they no no longer available?
  3. Irish Rail


    Cheers Wrenn
  4. Irish Rail


    Hi folks, roughly how long is a IRM Tara wagon just want to measure them for a siding please Cheers MJ
  5. Thanks lads, it has 17 micro LEDS in her
  6. Thanks mate
  7. Hey Thanks for the kind comments. All are adapted by a friend in Scotland if your on Facebook check his page out Shedring Railways vehicle lights. https://www.facebook.com/Shedringrailway-scale-model-vehicles-light-bars-and-decals-1481811578795676/ I'm delighted his work always top class and get delivered via DPD Parcel Wizard it's much cheaper
  8. Some of the Port Services fleet. Port Fire Service "Rescue 1" Appliance. Harbour Police, Port Fire Service & Port Operations Officers & the Harbour Master on the fisheries quayside for suspected persons in the water. Port Operations take advantages of quiet time in the lanes conducting a training exercise. Anti Collison beacons all running while on tracks..
  9. New addition coming to the layout Port Fire Service fully lit Rescue 1 including Amber Anti collision beacon
  10. Not much progress recently due to renovating the house being the priority My good Michael Hand has been slaving on this beautiful example of a DVT which will feature in Fingal County. With lights recently added and working it's a beautiful example of what's to come if the completed set with accompanying Mk4 carriages. Irish Rail DVT Mk 4 Headlights Rear Red Lights More lighted vehicles coming soon to from Shedring Railways in Scotland.. including new Port Shuttle Bus
  11. Absolute stunning work
  12. Entry & Exit lanes for the port..
  13. Thank hunslet, trying to use the details to help bring the layout alive just like in real life Great satisfaction trying to add the tiny details. Ballasting and platforms coming soon so there will be more loco action
  14. I got them
  15. Entrance to the port starting shape up including a Harbour Police vehicle checkpoint. Painting, road markings and lightings still to be finished. New Pedestrian entrance added to Port Fingal including a turnstyle and Harbour Police Post for checking Port staffs ID Cards..
  16. In full agreement there if there ever a reason needed
  17. Absolutely gorgeous layout mate
  18. Thanks Noel do love making a good scene
  19. Irish Rail Operations Manager & Engineering Support Team on site today for the newest addition to the fleet a IE Windoff MPV.. Having been off loaded from a cargo ship overnight. The ports cctv keeps a watchful "eye" on the awaiting train spotters awaiting her first run out.. Operations 2 provides a wide load/specialist vehicle escort to ports mobile crane.
  20. Hi Kev, I got them made by a friend of mine in Scotland.. He makes the lightbars himself I believe
  21. The suspense...
  22. The guard on the evening oil train brake van noticed fuel leaking whilst it was under shunt.. He notified the engine driver who returned to the siding and immediatly shut engines off. Irish Rail contacted the Port Control Centre and the ports emergency fuel plan was innacted... The new fleet arrivals were put straight into action.. Operations 2 or call sign Ops 2 monitored clean up of fuel and Harbour Police 'Hotel Papa 4' secured the scene with the Ports Fire Services Rescue 1 & Rescue 3 in attendance too.. Irish Rail also on site...
  23. Always thought that too very similar liveries.. yea I like the idea of the terminus though it's small one it mean I can run different DMUs similar in & out similer to Rosslare Port station.
  24. Thanks mate have to build the Harbour wall next and ive yet to decide what method to use to represent water.. which im still researching I've built a small collection of scale boats to fill the waterline with and would like to build a small promenade and possible a band stand.. then some half relief buildings pubs/hotels etc.. to add.. I sourced a fitting building to become the passenger terminal building which is on the building list which will have usual bus stops and drop off zone parking like in any modern port.
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