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Irish Rail

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Everything posted by Irish Rail

  1. Delighted with the progress with my layout and this section Port Fingal..We Built and added the first pier of the port 2ft x 1ft and my first waterline for some of my boats to go on. The pier will house the Passenger Terminal Building for ferry and cruise ships.. Tacked & ballasted the track for my first ever train station!!   the docklands station which is a single track terminus for DMU traffic.. A Arrow DMU passes an Commuter DMU on the Dublin - Belfast mainline. Buildings on the quayside include the Customs House, Harbour Police station & No.1 Harbour House office block. On the far left the Harbour Police Security checkpoint which form part of the Ports main entrance. The waterline of the harbour/marina. The footprint of the docklands station I still have work to do on the platform and ballasting etc..
  2. Afternoon Paul, The Ship is Play mobile ship I bought in market in Berlin and then added a more scale bridge http://www.yezzz.be/photos/84612foto.JPG The container crane is Lima model kit which is still readily available online not to expensive either.. http://www.themodelshop.ie/lima-container-crane-w-2-x-20ft-containers.html Thanks for the comments I've a few surprises coming next week or so too.. won't be huge additions in size but will add an air of realism. MJ
  3. 999 Emergency... The Port Control Tower observes smoke billowing from a container in the container lanes.. The Ports Fire Service immediately dispatch "Rescue 1" a Dennis RS and the ports HAZMAT unit "Rescue 2" a 1996 Reg Mercedes 310.. The container manifest number is checked and assessed to ensure no hazardous materials on board.. Its OK its only holds tobacco!! ... A Dublin Harbour Police V70 estate establishes a outer cordon.. The new Port entrance will include a Harbour Police security checkpoint with barriers, cctv and ramps etc.. Docklands Station which will feature a single track terminus to cater for DMU traffic is under planning Loading dock for fisheries centre. A Harbour Police Ford Transit "Incident Control Unit" Van passes the Harbour Fishery Centre. My newest build a 1/87 Kibri Island Ferry.
  4. Was looking at buying one haven't mailed them yet
  5. Thank stephen so 11 inches long?
  6. Evening guys, Does anyone have the lenght of the DC kits gen van please?
  7. Looks great )love the red terraced house reminds me of Ringsend too...
  8. Thanks ttc ☺
  9. The Harbour Police Station. This evening the Ports Fire Service appliances a Dennis RS & Landrover Defender the fire piquet attend a fire alarm activation at Port Fingals Murco fuel terminal..The Harbour Police secure the traffic on the quayside while a Iarnród Éireann Commuter DMU passes on main Dublin - Belfast line. Loads of progress today.. 4 point motors installed and tracks ballasted and pinned.. My dad & I ran our first trains ran on the new extension which will be my docklands area.. now some ballasting to be done then time for town planners to design the town  lots of activity planned such as a Harbour Police station, Fire diaroma, train station , funfair and town scene full of visiting tourists and hens & stag parties arriving by train & ship The Ports Customs House & District Court is next up for being built..
  10. Do you still have one for sale Dave?
  11. Did MIR make a 121? If so presume its rare to get these days? MJ
  12. Haha I may well be Tony but she looks the part at least
  13. Thanks Eoin enjoyed my visit today..picked up a bargain with wrenneire and new DAF tractor and container flat trailer with a new holland wheeled loader.
  14. Thanks mate this section will end this side of the layout with the end of main two tracks turning into bends etc.. then on the opposite end of the port I've plans for another siding and more industry etc..
  15. I'm coming on rpsi bray shuttle tommoro hope to make it up to this.. Just wondering is a taxi the best method? And Is there much railway stock for sale? Cheers
  16. I bought the sheets off eBay back in 2012 so can't remember mate sorry. I used decal spray which I still have at home and can check the name which I sprayed on after I printed it.
  17. The next section of my layout a 4x2 ft board is now finally attached to my existing 6 ft port scene.. This will feature a small docklands terminus station which is to the rear of the Harbour House office block as seen in the pictures along with a cruise ship passenger terminal, a customs house, some low relief pubs & hotels, the port security entrance and finally what all seaside towns need a funfair and promenade. It's also been moved to its new home in my garage.
  18. The method I used at the time was first to get the photos online from Google images etc that best matched my needs usually or from emergency vehicles photo sites etc.. then attach them to a word document and then trial and error printing them in b&w to get the correct size and then once happy I simply printed them to water slide paper etc.. Hope this helps mate
  19. Hi Popeye.. I made them a few years ago along some other like eircom & esb and Harbour Police.
  20. http://irnirishrailwaynews.yuku.com/topic/521#.VawMcSg1jMJ A bit more digging around I found the above discussion with a good description of loading process Cheers for reply @Old Blarney
  21. Thank Old Blarney, I had actually read that old thread yesterday and is the one that sparked my interest. The over head pipes in the pictures do they act as a method of sucking up the bulk cement into the silo?? Were the bubbles ever used in any ports?
  22. Good Evening Lads, Ive a rake of 5 of Irish Cement Bubbles I am going to run on my layout. In real life were the bubbles ever used to do runs to port Dublin/Foynes as part of Irish Cements Export of cement? Also just to clarify the Bubbles carried bulk dry cement mix? What way were they unloaded? Cheers MJ
  23. The next section of my layout is taking a shape.. A 4'Ft x2'Ft section which will feature the ports entrance, Dockands train station and the seaside town of Ballinamore The docklands station will be a spur line off the main Dublin - Belfast line. The Station platform is connected the rear of the office block. Exciting times ahead
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