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Irish Rail

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Everything posted by Irish Rail

  1. Taking advantage of the Marks Model sale and recently buying a house and gutting it. I've finally a new home for my layout Now the most difficult part is the move from the parents attic to my place in one piece so fingers crossed Full steam ahead MJ
  2. What a better reason to celebrate getting back to modelling .. picked up 7071 and 222 in the sale good savings too Fair play to Marks good all round success
  3. Like many of you the best part of this hobby is the fact you can dip in and out of it over the years...I've been on the AWOL list of late.. The joys of recently buying my own new place and am in now process of renovating it then going to move the layout in.. Great catching up on the new and old layouts on here.. Some super layouts on here.. Hope in the near future to be updating my layout
  4. Is the works appliance gone now?
  5. Love the Garda figure.. Did you paint them yourself?
  6. Lovely layout! Love the broken bus diorama.
  7. 100% interested Retro in at least two sets bachmann 170s in IE livery if you considering them. The current Baccy IE Commuter DMUs are great!
  8. Coming along very nicely... Love the weathering! You can't beat them bachmann building I hope feature several on my layout! So us how much we've came on from Superquick card building being are main source.
  9. Aww inspiring stuff mate! Fantastic looking building..
  10. Cheers Fella.. Im currently sitting here with my next set of drawings in front of me while watching the tube .. Im pleased with the progress so far! I think the next section will go well with the port. DVT is going to be a nice addition with the Intercity 201 I got last christmas.
  11. http://www.tv-links.eu/tv-shows/The-Tube_31326/ This site will provide you various streaming websites.. Im currently watching it on Filebox.com Enjoy fella's A pal of mine is now serving with BTP as a PC on the underground and has shared a few great stories with me recently over a few pints mad goings on down there! ha
  12. Anyone else watch or enjoy the BBC 6 part documentary on the London's underground? MODs: If I'm allowed I've a link to watch them online for those who missed if thats ok?
  13. Lovely stuff Conor!
  14. My rake of adapted Dapol oil tankers I commissioned from Michael Hand & Sons. Which was painted and weathered by Simon Hand.
  15. I used the Metcalfe Models tarmac card sheets measured them up and applied delighted with the finish myself want that touch of realism like you see in Dublin Port, I still have to add a few weed peeking out of some of the cracks in it though @DJ Konore appreciate the comments man I'm looking forward to it aswell! Nothing like spending hour detailing a layout i find it extremely calming & relaxing...
  16. No actually bought it already done in the livery.. again adds something different to layout and a nice contrast to the other locos. Rolls on the 071s though haha
  17. Cheers mate loving the new site! I have taken a break from it over past few months but as usual the bug bites again so the next stage is currently on the drawing board in front of me as we speak... It is the top end of the port and will feature a half relief logistics distribution center, port fire station, port admin office, and Harbour Police checkpoint (Security entrance to the port) which is a Knightwing portacabin along with Barriers. Its all in the detail.. Then following on from that on the opposite side of the tracks facing the port is a small country town of Ballinamore.
  18. I bought two DMU only sets the day they where released in Marks. I felt for the price and quality of paint finish they would bring a bit of color to my layout and take away from IE Orange. They are far from perfect but I enjoy running them
  19. [video=youtube_share;UpHMWgl8o2w]
  20. Fingal Port & Harbour to date.. Still a lot more to do but its getting there.. This is the modern port im building that will be a central part of my layout. The port is located in the fictional Fingal County which is located to north of Dublin & Meath. The small but busy port is operated and owned by Dublin Port Company and is used as an overflow port to the busy Dublin port. Fingal Port features its own Oil terminal and container terminal along with other industry units inculding a fish/seafood processing plant, bulk good warehouse and logestics company aswell. And most importantly its own busy railway sidings which will be a hive of activity with planned container trains, oil fuel wagons, timber and also bulk goods on open wagons such as guinness kegs, ballast etc etc... 082 (formally IE177 )exits the ports entrance on to the Dublin-Belfast line The Harbour Police have been busy clamping an illegally parked car in front of the ports control center and container crane. The port container crane transfer a 40" container to awaiting artic Bantry Bay Seafood company processing plant on the left. Fuel being transfer to oil road tanker View of the oil loading dock used for transferring fuel to 20ton oil tankers New arrivals to my layout thanks to my good friend Michael Hand and his son Simon who built and painted/weather these great models for me! There adapted Dapol 20ton oil tanker along with scratch built barrier wagon and IR Brake van. Evening time and its all the sidings are almost full awaiting the arrival of evening cargo ship.. A new arrival and purchase by the Port Company a Volvo L180C timber carrier picked up in Manchester at the weekend! The Volvo tractor removes precut timber logs from the Mercedes low loader waiting for the waterford bound OTA timber wagons (when ever Bachmann realise them!!! Grrr) to arrive and load them on to them! 082 departs the yard with two container flats and two of Charlie Pettys Bulk drums i picked up at MRSI show on board heading for the cola cola factory out west.. The container crane has two Bulk container loaded and another two to ready to go! Our attic is almost finished being insulated thanks to the old man! and when it is the Port and along with the next stages of the layout will be moved into its permanent position and rest of the layout can begin to form and take shape. New Arrivals to the layout include the MM Mk2D Restaurant and EGV (when its on sale) in IE Orange and planing also to get two Bachmann IE Commuter units in December along with a few of the new MM new 201s! still drolling over them... ....... In preparation for the arrival of the new MM 201 next year! I have commissioned my good and talented friend Simon Hand who painted and made the Irish Rail oil wagons,barrier wagon and break van i have. He has agreed to under take to paint and adapt some Hornby BR Mk4s and DVT, I have into the modern IE intercity livery that runs between Dublin and Cork! The carriages will run with the new Murphys Models 201s due to be released next year in the modern intercity livery The train will be made up of the following 5 x Hornby Mk4 Carriages (1 x City Gold,2 x TSO Open,1x Catering,1 x DVT) 1 x MM 201 GM loco I cant wait to see them on track! ..... The next part of my layout to be built is the adjacent to the port is a harbour/seaside town.. Like most major seaside towns i remember visiting as a child i remember funfairs and amusements! All the bright flashing lights and cheesy dance music! So today i finally bit the bullet and bought some of the Faller fairground kits seen below that i have drolling over for a while! Ah hell all this O/T has to be worth something! ha The funfair will be a central part of the my seaside town and will be a attraction for hoards of young and old to visit it using my Commuter DMUs and the rest to keep my station busy! The funfair is made up so far of swing chair,bouncy castle,ferris wheel and swinging boats. I hope to also get some form of dodgem type ride in time! Looking forward to getting the rides made up and lit! and of course playing them cheesy dance tunes too... SCREAM IF YOU WANNA GO FASTER!!
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