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Past-Avenue last won the day on June 18 2024

Past-Avenue had the most liked content!

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    Motor sport/ Trains


  • Occupation
    Cabinet maker

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  1. Hi I have finally finish the 22'6 flat wagons and have them in stock now at €22 each. They are 3d resin printed and supplied with hornby steel wheels. The NEM pocket is adjustable for closer cuppling and you can use kadee, tension lock or magnetic couplings on these wagons. Cupplings are not included. Please pm me if you are interested in any of the 3D printed items that I'm doing. Enda 20250207_175955.mp4
  2. Hi Paul . I have only had one query for 21mm but if there are a few people modeling in 21mm i could design a version to suit it. Enda
  3. Hi I'm not much of a tech person and I got a few PM that the video would not play for them and could I put up a few pictures. If someone out there can help me or the other guys please do. In the meantime here's a few pictures. Enda
  4. Hi all. After alot of queries and interest in the 20ft flat wagon I started working on it after the 3 day show last year. I've had to put alot of time into designing and testing these on different layouts and have finally got them where I'm happy to produce them. Please see attached video for more information. Cost is €22 plus postage but I have a stand in the Bray fair every month and most other shows aswell. Please Pm me if you have any questions or want to order any of the 3D printed items that I'm doing. Thanks Movie003.mp4 Enda
  5. Hi This is a short video of all the stuff that I've 3D printed since I started out a year ago. I have all items in stock and if you would like anything please pm me. I'll be posting more pictures and videos of them weathered etc. I also have a few items on the drawing board and will post them as soon as I have them ready for sale. Finally I'd like to wish everyone all the best for the new year and keep up your modeling. Enda Movie002.mp4
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  6. Sorry this may have been answered before but if you post from Northern Ireland to the UK what's the story?. I know that you can post within the island of Ireland with no problem. Enda
  7. Here is another version of the coal body as you can see in the photo above and its the one that i chose to model in the photo below.
  8. Hi Mol_PMB Thanks for pointing that out about the rear doors. I'll redraw it up and have it right for the next batch I print. Enda
  9. Thanks Mol_PMB for all your research. It would be nice to find out the quantity of them and duration etc they were used by cie . Lastly I can supply both Grey and Tan versions in plain to detaled and weathered. Just pm me if you have any questions please or would like anything that I'm printing. Enda
  10. Thanks Noel they look right at home on Tara Junction The Uniload containers could be seen on rail, road and in yard's across the country
  11. Thanks Noel and great to catch up with you. I have to echo what everyone else has said about the show. It was great and most people were very impressed with all the layouts and things in general. It was great to see fellow modelers and catch up also meet new ones aswell. Well done guys . Lastly I'd like to thank everyone for all the nice comments on the Past-Avenue layout and who purchased some of my 3d printed items. Enda
  12. Just 3D printed the NEMs for the Murphys Craven coaches for a customer. I have them in stock and are €2 each. If you would like anything 3D items I print please pm me. Enda
  13. Hi guys. I got one on Tuesday from Anpost €3 50 +€1 25 vat from New Zealanda. Paid it Wednesday morning and parcel arrived this morning. Enda
  14. Yes I have a good stock and will be in Bray on the 18th if you are interested in some. Enda
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