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Everything posted by PaulC

  1. Wok continues on the signal box. Since my last post I have completed work on the roof. The chimney was clad in plasticard, painted and weathered followed by the ridge tiles using a combination of 1mm florist wire and cheap duct tape from the local pound shop. The roof was then primed, painted and weathered prior to the guttering being added. I decided that one lever frame wasn't going to be enough to fill the box so a second Ratio set was bought and the relevant parts assembled. Prior to painting I wanted to see how things might look. The windows have also arrived from Scale Model Scenery. To say that Justin has produced something exceptional is an understatement and I can't recommend his services enough. These windows were designed to my own specifications, drawn up, laser cut and offered for a very reasonable £4.99. How can anyone fault that? Installation has just begun and will keep me busy for the next couple of nights. Paul
  2. Very atmospheric, I like that a lot. Paul
  3. Thanks for the comments guys. George, I'm sure there is but I haven't a clue what it is. I cut and fitted the two main sides first then measured the farthest points between them for the base line of that end triangle. The centre point was found and a measurements taken at the centre between both main sides to the tip where both sides met. That gave the length of the triangle on the end side. After that it was just a matter of drawing a line to each base line corner. Worked first time, no trimming required. Paul
  4. Windows are still awaited. In the meantime I have begun construction on the roof. A card frame with plenty of reinforced struts first I fitted an led light at this stage and then applied the remainder of card for the roof and chimney. Now it's beginning to look more like the real thing. Next up was a rather laborious job of cutting plasticard roof tile strips and overlapping each to build up the roof on the four sides. i will now work on fitting the lead flashing and brickwork for the chimney. Ive also been working on some of the fittings for the box itself from the Ratio interior kit. Paul
  5. I admit your tenacity on this project Robert. I get bored after doing two or three wagons of the same type. 20 plus at one sitting is just beyond me and all being produced to the same high standard. Well done. Paul
  6. Stunning work David. Probably not intentional, but the gel pen approach gives the wagon lettering a more rustic look, like someone has come along and scrawled identification markings to make others aware of ownership. Paul
  7. Fiddly little jobs are on the cards at the minute. The frames for the arched windows are being made using 1mm plastruct. The space available to work in is so limiting making it very difficult to get accuracy in the cut and positioning. The curved sections are also difficult to create requiring a strip of plastruct to be put in place with glue and then leaving for 10 to 15 minutes while glue sets using a pair of self release tweezers to hold the piece in its curved position. One side done and I've now run out of strip so more ordered. An easier job has been the ground level door. A piece of card with scribed plasticard followed by 1mm plastruct for the frame. The door handle is a 1mm piece of florists wire bent to shape. Paul
  8. Thanks Banntry, I'm growing to like it now, particularily with the arches frames going in. Patrick, I'd love to see some photos of your box when you get a chance. Paul
  9. Thanks chaps. Just a quick post tonight. The brickwork is painted. Its come out a little darker than hoped and looks darker still in the pictures. Normal process of applying a base coat followed by a top coat of a different colour and then rubbed off. A final coat of acrylic for the grout again rubbed off with paper towel. I need to check the scraps box for some 1mm square plastruct for the arched windows and door frame. Paul
  10. It's really time I brought things up to date with the layout. I see, from looking back on this thread, that the demise of photobucket as a free service has meant some of my photos are now lost. Is there any way of editing posts to fix this? For most of the summer I spent time getting the boards finished and track laid. I've now run out of flexi track but do have a full loop on which to run trains, should the notion take me. On order for the last 6 weeks, I'm still waiting on more track from my local supplier. What to do in the mean time? Start on the signal box of course. As the last remaining remnant of Berkeley Dean Wises architecture in Ballymena, I really want to capture this box as closely as possible. A card skeleton was drawn up, cut and glued together. Using foam board, scribing strips every 2mm and then painting to create the floor. The painting was done by priming first in grey then painting with a combination of sandy and brown enamels to give the wood floor effect. Plain plasticard next for the box sides. Windows are currently being designed by Scale Model Scenery to fit in the apertures. Brick plasticard was then applied to the ground floor level. Detailing was picked out in the form of Wills arches and brick plasticard layers of two course and then one for the upper sections. Tonight, I have started the painting process on this brickwork. That's three months work in a nutshell. Paul
  11. Fabulous Tony. The very best of luck with the event. If I lived closer I'd be there in attendance. Perhaps you can take it on tour. Paul
  12. One thing I am completely in the dark about is how to service a loco, whether that be a new DCC model or the old ringfield and pancake motors of yesteryear. That would be extremely useful. Paul
  13. Tony, you sound like you are fairly patient in the progress of this layout. That patience may produce dividends in the form of the wanted pictures you are modelling. I spoke to the ice cream man two weeks ago and conversation turned to model railways. This pointed me in the direction of another chap joining our fledgling club. Conversation with him led me to getting a dozen new photographs to aid me in building Ballymena station. These included the station masters house, roadside views of the loading bay, ancillary buildings and the bay platform. All will prove invaluable when it comes to producing the model. This conversation took place in front of another member. He knows someone who has a lot of interest in the local railways and will ask him if he has any further resources to aid me. Both chaps also suggested contacting the Railway Preservation Society and draw on their members for any information - a possible route for you to peruse too. Anyway, my long winded point is that you never know where the next nugget of gold is going to come from. I've been on my quest for 9 months and the greatest amount of information gained has been in the past 24 hours. Fingers crossed for you. Paul
  14. PM sent you way. Paul
  15. Lovely work Bantree. You've nailed it completely. Paul
  16. I love it even more. Paul
  17. I for one can't wait. Looking forward to this develop. Paul
  18. Some photos attached, as promised. Paul
  19. They could well be Hurricane. From the little I saw of them they looked like low sided rectangular skips of which two were sitting on each wagon. The wagon underframe looked very used whereas the skips were new. Pics later hopefully. Paul
  20. Thanks for that John. Paul
  21. Thanks chaps, yes, it was Derek. I can't for the life of me remember the people to ask regarding station plans. Paul R, can you shed any light on it for me? As for that Impressions of Ireland display, I'm not sure I even saw that!! How did I miss such a big impressive layout? Final question, who won the vote for best display? Paul
  22. That might explain the three wagons sitting in a siding at Central Station yesterday then. I also noticed some shiny new Works wagons at the Ballymena yard too. I'll try and get a few photos of them this week. Paul
  23. Travelling by train to Belfast on Sunday, I knew that these three behemoths of the Rail network were still sitting at York Road depot so I took a few snaps as we filed past. Thought it would add to the portfolio. Paul
  24. John, I only became aware of a show in Enniskillen through a posting on here. Unfortunately, it's about a 4 hour round trip for me to get there so I'll have to give it a miss. Perhaps in future years I'll get that length. We have so few of these exhibitions I feel we should all support them as much as possible for the future of the hobby. Two questions for you John. Firstly, did you happen to speak to the chaps on the stand behind you? It was one of them who had given me guidance on sourcing station plans for Ballymena. Secondly, I was curious as to whether the Mela helped or hindered bringing more footfall to the exhibition yesterday? Paul
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