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Colin R

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Everything posted by Colin R

  1. Thanks Seagoebox that is most interesting, I must look out for a copy of the Donegal WTT's Hi Arbhin I have check the site out and the irish map people stop at the boarder and the maps from pronti dont get anywhere near enough with the detail, I haven't given up yet. Colin
  2. Seller has removed it from sale or some one was mug enough to buy it at that price. Colin R
  3. Hi John We have two groups with more than a passing interest in Irish Narrow Gauge:- IrishThreeFoot@groups.io 00n3modellers@groups.io Come on in and join, both groups have a period of all and then nothing for a while. The information you have posted above will be more than helpfull to those who asked the question Colin
  4. Hi Guys i have a question for the experts, Over on a narrow guage forum some oen has asked what colour was the Flying Snail on narrow gauge coaches and wagons, a lot of modellers have gone for white, but there is now doubt if this is correct or should it be light green? Colin
  5. Many years ago in the Model Railway News (who remembers that publication) a couple of guys built an N Gauge scale (ie 2mm to the foot) layout of the Welsh Highland Station at Dinas; it was called the Vale Penwal Railway it had hand built working locos and rolling stock and also finally had an extension based on the Vale of Rheidol. Some details of it appear near the bottom of this page https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/111723-2mm-scale-narrow-gauge-group/ http://www.zen98812.zen.co.uk/penwal.html Regards Colin R
  6. Thanks Dhu Varren, I have looked at Proni site and I have now worked it out that Derry would fit an 00n3 layout of 15ft, in length and to do justice to the good shed and other buildings it needs a width of 4ft, while that sound very wide do not forget you would be looking from the river bank up to the road level and beyond, at present I do not know the exact drop from the road to the river, but I did see that some one has purchased some of the old station site to build yet more homes just there. The map on the Proni site is not a very accurate track plan, but it does give the location of the buildings.
  7. Thank you for your help guys, the reason I was looking for 25 inch to the mile maps was so I could work out things like the length of the platform at Victoria Road on the Donegal, I am never to sure just how long it was or the size of any of the goods buildings, engine shed and station buildings, I know I could guess, but theplatform length is the one that escapes me at present, as an example I read somewhere that the Donegal used to run speicals from Derry to Ballyshannon that where 11 coaches in length, If that was the case, was the long main platform at Derry able to take a train of 11 coaches? Regards Colin
  8. Hi Guys I am aware of the 25:1 history maps of Ireland and the majority of the Irish Railway System, How ever I am looking for a clear map of Derry (Londonderry) and both Swilly and Donegal Stations. I am sure someone on here sent me a link in the past, but for some reason I can no longer find it, if you help thanks. Hopefully it will like the rest of Ireland and I hope I can trace other Irish narrow gauge railway in the North East of Ulster as well. Regards Colin Rainsbury
  9. Sounds good, but do you mind if I can make a suggestion, don't go mad buying all this kit right away I would suggest getting one loco, two coaches and five mixed wagons, while that might not sound like much, it will however give you enough stock while you are building the layout to play trains with. good luck with the project sound very interesting. Colin
  10. Do you mean this one? http://silverfoxmodels.co.uk/ir-ie-bullied-heating-van/ or you can contact them here http://silverfoxmodels.co.uk/ Hope this helps Colin Rainsbury
  11. Try the IPRS book shop they sometimes have the GSR Loco book in stock, I got all three from them (GNRI the NCC and the GSR book). Colin R
  12. If you can get hold of a copy, it has to be Miniature Locomotive Construction by John H Ahern isbn 085344 075 1 well worth ever penny or Euro as it would be today Colin Rainsbury
  13. Please excuse the question, but just how big would you need a building to be to do a proper job? To display and run an O gauge layout. Regards Colin R
  14. Hi guys Just come across this something for the living room this time eBay No eBay item number: 153885379023 Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. ex GNRi lamp Colin R
  15. If you are going to use a brass boiler don't forget to get as much weight all around the loco and that includes the rear end as wel. also if you can get a new motor that will also take a flywheel all the better. Good luck with the project. Colin Rainsbury
  16. Well Done Patrick, yet something else to add to the layout at some point, great looking buildings and a great track layout in the mill itself. Colin Rainsbury
  17. looking good
  18. That looks better Phil
  19. Hi Midland That looks like an old Triand Hornby coach from the 1970's is that correct? Colin
  20. Hi Midland, Yes that helps, I recall seeing someone (on here?) had converted an LNER Tank loco into something Irish looking. Colin
  21. Well as most of you will have a copy of this book I was wondering if there is an update. With the introduction of new Irish railway kits or British outline locos, I was wondering whicht ones from either Bachmann or Hornby have been used in the basis of an Irish prototype which did not appear in the oringinal book. I know the book was published back in 2004 so would anyone like to take the lead on this and show us what you have done? If you already have done something may be you could provide a link to your handy work in you had already put it up on here or else where. Regards Colin Rainsbury
  22. I will give credit to OO Works for doing these models, but one thing which bugs me, when I enquired about UG and asked if I was able to fit a 21mm gauge chassis under it, they said it was not possible and I would need to rebuild the whole thing, which to me would be a waste of my money, so I did not buy one or a J15 as I have two form SSM still to build. I now have five or six 21mm gauge locos to build at some point, so unless new models have that added space then as they say I am out of buying one. Colin R
  23. Hi David yes it is 12mm gauge but for now I plan to use Peco track on this section (since I have been given a fair bit). This is more of a test bed than a layout for now, however, who knows what will happen in a couple of year’s time. I really need somewhere to test and run all these kits I have. It may not be pretty but it will be the first layout I have build in years. I won’t be the first modeller to start a project and not finish it, but I have high hopes for this one. Colin
  24. I am sure they can be done Colin
  25. That would be my next question.
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