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Colin R

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Everything posted by Colin R

  1. I had forgotten about that one
  2. Also have a look here https://www.dropbox.com/s/b1gvs4usgmrgqei/Irish Lines Drawings Index (J.P.James%2C 1992).pdf And I should also not forget our friend at Alphagraphix kits https://www.alphagraphixkits.co.uk/
  3. Sadly my scanner is not working but if anyone else can send you a copy of an article by David Walker from the Railway Modeller dated November 1985 it is four pages of a 7mm scale layout called Killaney so that has some details that might prove interesting. It might also be worth contacting the new irish lines magazine website https://newirishlines.org/ or the facebook page https://www.facebook.com/NewIrishLines/followers they may also be able to put you in contact with other modellers like yourself. Colin
  4. I am not sure how many you would need to break even but I would be interested
  5. I would think that there must have been a rule of thumb to this over time, such as lets imagine a morning train from say Cork to Dublin needs to have 50 1st class sets, 100 2nd class and 250 + 3rd class seats these numbers will have been known for years previously on the same day before by the booking clerk at Cork, this information would find its way to the operations department who would then instruction the staff to put together the train from what current stock there was in the carriage yard at Cork. I suspect that each coach would have been known for how many seats it had so it might be possible that they only needed six carriages to start with. But allowing for intermediate stations and passengers they may have added an extra two coaches on the end. Again it would have been more than possible for a train set that just arrives at Cork to be broken up and reformed for another service later in the day.
  6. I wonder, would they have also used cattle wagons if there were a lot of horses to be moved at the same time? Colin
  7. Hi Guys not one to let anyone down but as I don't follow horse racing, I don't have a clue as to just how important the movement of the horse around the Irish railway system really was, so does anyone want to start with your own observations on this subject?
  8. Thanks JHB for some reason I always get those two railways mixed up the Belfast & Northern Counties and Belfast & Co Down, I won't even get into the issue of horse boxes as I am sure that will be another thread that should be started elsewhere. Colin
  9. I think that is around the period which I hope to model, but with a bit of modeller licence to boot. While we are on the subject of coaches (could we say on horse racing days) would it have been possible to have run various specials from different railways, so could something from Belfast come south such as an NCC or GNRi special or even something more exotic from the B&NCR even? I know that rule one will apply to the layout but sometimes its nice just to have a prototype excuse for running something. Colin
  10. That's OK then might have a chance to move to a new location subject to things happening the way we want them to, which means I will have the time to save up to buy some of the next batch. will need more green and silver livery versions I think. In that case does anyone have the knowledge of when each loco went from as delivered Silver to Green and then to Black and Tan V1? I would be looking at nothing later than say 1966 thanks in advance. Colin
  11. Given that this batch of A's has sold very well, dare I wonder if a second batch might happen at some point in the future but with different numbers and colour schemes? Colin
  12. yes I think that were they mean
  13. Hi Guys I just picked this up from an email group I belong to and wondered if anyone can help Roger Hahn via groups.io <belpaire=aol.com@groups.io> 03:00 (7 hours ago) to IndustrialRailwaySociety There are the 6 Spence built narrow gauge Guinness locomotives residing in museums but there is a 7th that survived into private preservation. From various sources it seems the locomotive (likely #21) was acquired by a Guinness employee in 1975 in rather derelict condition. According to uklocos.com it is residing near the town of Taum in Ireland. There are 2 updates, one from 2006 and another from 2012 with the letters “dsm” which I’m guessing means dismantled. Also, a number of years ago I came across a site that lists railway items that had been sold at auction and it showed show the number plate for #21 I have scoured the internet but have not come across any photos of this locomotive in its private ownership. Since there have been sightings of the beast it would seem someone must have photos of it. Also, does anyone know its current status? It is owned by one Gary Skelton? Roger
  14. He is saying that he acquired the collection, which would make sense as I have seen some of them before.
  15. Just looked in the TV mag that came with the snooze paper, it is supposed to be on this coming Monday at 8pm channel 27. This is after two episodes from the late Fred (do you like that) Dibnah at 7pm and is followed by The Architecture The Railways Built with Tim Dunn. The trouble is I am hooked into an America TV show called the Blacklist on freeview channel 21 or 5 USA after 9.00pm can be a bit gorey.
  16. I am sure that you will sell it for what you got on e Bay
  17. You could try anyone of the following:- https://yorkmodelrail.com/ http://www.lcut.co.uk/index.php?page=pages/products&title=4mm scale https://www.inthegreenwoodlaser.co.uk/st002-small-station-building-oo-gauge-laser-cut-kit https://www.graingeandhodder.co.uk/ If they are just one off's some of them may do them for you, where as others may do them at cost or could come to a deal with you to add them to there own range. Colin Rainsbury
  18. You are correct Derry I think it is, it photos like that which I try to collect which I can base some of the background on.
  19. Could it also include anyone who produces Irish theme building kits sure we have a few such as Alphagraphix, but what I find frustrating is that the Irish shop front or an Irish building look which does not alway transfer from a UK based building model. This is a photo from Derry I found on the Interwebby has lots of modelling characteristics
  20. I just found these photos of some of my mock ups this below is the start of the Ramsey loco shed and works This one below is based on photos and some details I have of the Ramsey Station building The one above is a freelance version of a Cavan and Leitrim Station building just to get the size The one below is the other side of the mock up
  21. Hi Guys. I have a big thank you from David the person who asked me to ask you lot, like so much of this, it will no doubt, also bring out more questions, which I am sure he will ask me to ask you again. As for the exact shade of Green that may be impossible to give a final answer to, since each batch was made up to order and you had different pigments then. Thanks you once again. Colin
  22. Sorry Guys Hi Mods can you move this to the Hints and tips section thanks
  23. Hi all I just got this from a friend can any one help him out? Colin Dear all, Happy New Year. A friend, David Hurst (Model Engine Works), has produced a 3D print of the original S&S tram loco (in 4mm scale) as rebuilt in 1906. He would like to complete the model in the shade of green that was used at the time. What might that shade have been? Boyd just says 'green'. Might there be further info in the Oakwood Press book (I do not have a copy). I have found a photo of a model od a S&S loco on the internet that is in a mid-green finish but this of course could just be an educated guess by its builder. I doubt that there is a definitive answer at this stage (unless there is more info in the Oakwood book) as so many years have elapsed. Probably a case of choose the shade of green you like maybe? Best wishes, Paul
  24. Hi All It occured to me, to ask I wonder what hints or tips do any of you guys use to makes your models either quicker or better long term. The one tip I can give is that when I can get into doing some modeling on a new layout, I tend to make up a cardboard mock up to get a 3D view of the project before I start to build any new buildings, I find this helps to also to locate the position of any proposed building or change them around for a better fit. Does anyone else do things like this? Colin
  25. Hi Darren if you have the time check out York modelling services :- https://yorkmodelrail.com/ They used to do a service that if you can provide them with the details they can laser cut the windows for you. One day may be
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