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About Speedy

  • Birthday April 22

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  • Biography
    Motorsport and car fan that takes the occasional photo or 2(00) and have recently been lead astray and into the world of oo gauge trains


  • Interests
    Motorsport, Photography, 1/43 Diecast cars.......and now oo gauge trains

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  1. Speedy


  2. You're doing a Minecraft Special Edition????
  3. Have only been to a few shows but can now see why so many comments about Wexford being the best one around, great show, lots of friendly people willing to share their knowledge with a few complete novices. Many thanks to Brendan Buckley of Garrison Model Club who let me in around their displays to take a few photos and see how a few things were put together and also for all the tips and advice. Got chatting to a few people from the Wexford Club who also shared a bit of their knowledge. Just need to get a room cleared in the other halves house and put up our baseboards and start putting all this new found knowledge into practise. Started anoter thread with some photos from today
  4. A few photos from a great show in Wexford plenty more on https://public.fotki.com/speedy/model-rail-shows/wmrc-show/
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  5. All going to plan I should be up for a look
  6. How did this turn out, over 2 years since original post. Would be interested in seeing the finished article. Nice to see the local station being the subject of a layout
  7. Hoping to get down for a look round on Easter Monday
  8. Watching this with great interest to see how the local train station works out with a British twist to it There's a few old and not so old photos on the "Old Carlow Photos" Facebook page that might be of help to you
  9. Was looking into this again over Christmas and noticed they now have a way of purchasing tickets online via a ticket sales website, adds €3 or €4 to the price per ticket but kids tickets not available this way, they need to be purchased via post
  10. This might be of interest to people, it's a 5 part series starting on Channel 4 on January 7th @ 8pm. A group of people build a model railway across Scotland in the hope of setting a World Record Facebook link : https://www.facebook.com/The-Biggest-Little-Railway-in-the-World-119576451912100
  11. Details : https://www.steamtrainsireland.com/whats-on/25/branchline-wanderer Anyone from on here planning on going on this next year, Dublin to Waterford, Limerick and back to Dublin? Are these trips geared towards the nerdy train spotters or is it suitable for anyone?
  12. Oh I have liked n shared it and fingers are crossed.....makes doing any work a lil bit awkward
  13. That would be a great help in starting on the layout with the other half, she has been collecting up bits over the last number of years but never did anything to get a layout sorted....things have changed since we met earlier this year and plans are afoot to get something put together in the new year. Just a query on that 6x4 baseboard could the catch on one side be done differently in order to facilitate a second 6x4 baseboard being added at a later date to create a 6x8 setup???
  14. Great might get a chance to take a wander up to this one all going to plan
  15. Is there a show in Bray this Sunday???
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