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Looking for a bit mor info on 'Irish Freight Models'

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Hi guys!


I have been keeping an eye on the manufacturers forum and am impressed by the range of products that 'Irish Freight Models' have added over the past while. I would like to make some purchases but am nervous as I don't feel I know enough about them or their products!


Can I just request the following before we go any further:

1. I'm posting this because I feel that (and I hope!) this is a success story and someone has taken a big chance and a punt, and is filling a gap in the market left by MIR

2. I would like here positive comments and words of encouragement relating to 'Irish Freight Models'. If you have bad experience then maybe take it up directly with IFM first.


So back to my questions!

Anyone running IFM stock? How is it? Quality, running etc.

Is this business a continuation of MIR?

If this is someone who has turned a hobby into a business, then tell us newbee's some more!! There is too much negative going on at the moment! A bit of background and a story would give me and others who may not yet know you (and your products) the confidence to support you!


Lastly, might I suggest that in the manufacturers section- if you are a manufacturer/supplier, the take five minutes to post a bit of background (who you are, what you do, where you're based etc.) I see many new members signing up everyday- the banter and the knowledge is great but not everyone will know who you are or what you do!


Hope this is answered by the creaters of 'Irish Freight Models', who on the face of it look like they are on to a winner, and should be commended and encouraged, as well as members who can share their experiences





Edited by dave182
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2. I would like here positive comments and words of encouragement relating to 'Irish Freight Models'. If you have bad experience then maybe take it up directly with IFM first.






I find it hard and strange to understand why you want to know about the quality/running etc etc and don't want to here any bad things

(if there are are any). Surely you would want to know all the facts both good and bad before making a purchase from any business/manufacture. As I said strange :confused: How do you expect to get an honest opinion if you don't want to here all the facts about any product.

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Good question Anthony! Just to clarify, on many forums when a topic is discussed it can very easily slip into the negative and sometimes personal attacks are made or comments get taken out of context. Quite often if a problem exists it can be dealt with first and foremost with the supplier etc. I'm not one for big drama over little things!


The point of my post I suppose is that it's great to see so many options available to Irish Modellers, and with such a small market and tight community it is very important to recognize these small scale suppliers.


In the case of 'Irish Freight Models' suddenly we have a whole range of quality, ready to run rolling stock, unthinkable 5 years ago! Looking at their website I suppose my initial thoughts are 'this is too good to be true!' If it is what it is then well done to Tommy, it's great to see someone spotting a gap and filling it! I suspected that if members on this forum had any problems or issues with IFM product then they would have been flagged here long ago! Sometimes we forget to give praise when it's due!


The other point is that people like IFM, studio scale models etc. have to keep shouting about what they do. I've been a member on this and the previous site now for 3 years and I'm still not sure as to who does what and whether it's for personal use or for the masses- Glenderg makes cardboard buildings?! Hidden Agenda does brass kits?! Anthony weathers... Anything he can get his hands on by the looks of it! I wonder if other newer members are as confused as I am?!? It's the circle of life- Murphy Models locos and coaches have renewed interest in modeling Irish Railways, this in turn drives interest in Studio Scale Models, IFM and encourages more cottage industry, giving more choice. This leads to even more interest/demand and so the circle continues! It can only be good for all of us to give some encouragement!

Edited by dave182
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When someone askes a question about a manufactuer/shop/business etc etc I would rather hear the truth about their products/service or the way they treat their customers.

I feel it's very important for fellow modellers to know these things before they spend their hard earned money. I would be more upset if someone didn't tell me the truth about a product etc etc and I bought it to find out it wasn't up to a high standard or badly manfactured or if a shop say was to treat me badly regarding customer care.

We are lucky that most of the people we deal with have a high standard and those who don't meet the grade people should not be afraid to voice their opinions and should be encouraged to do so and let the rest of their fellow modellers know.

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