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Avaition anyone?

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Hi Joe, I also have some aircraft models. I tend to collect the ones that are sold in flight, especially if there is a model of the aircraft I'm actually travelling on and it is an unusual type or airline. I recently picked up a model of an Aer Lingus Carvair (EI-AMP) in a shop in Nassau St. I flew in one of these from Cherburg to DUB way back in 1964!



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That is a very interesting model of the Carvair. I hadn't seen it before. Wasn't the plane a converted DC4?


They were converted from DC-4 / C-54 aircraft by Aviation Traders Ltd in Southend.


I wonder would Stephen consider an aviation sub-forum, possibly in the 'Railway related Modelling' section? After all there has been in the past close connections between railways an airlines, eg Railway Air Services in Britain, which, in addition to Imperial Airways, had one director from each of the 'Big Four' railway companies.

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They were converted from DC-4 / C-54 aircraft by Aviation Traders Ltd in Southend.


I wonder would Stephen consider an aviation sub-forum, possibly in the 'Railway related Modelling' section? After all there has been in the past close connections between railways an airlines, eg Railway Air Services in Britain, which, in addition to Imperial Airways, had one director from each of the 'Big Four' railway companies.


Request is in. Two mods have voted in favour so far and Stephen has the casting vote but sure he's a reasonable fella :)

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