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"isnt it time you turned off the soldering Iron"

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if i dont get c-19 virus, i may still self isolate so that i get at least 2 weeks isolation to finish my layout wiring..

as i write i have a cough cough, splutter splutter, .and ..'i'm hot and sweaty,'  ---

"In that case, Wayside, isnt it time you turned off the soldering Iron!"

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translation of above, i am hot and sweaty in the attic corners with the soldering iron full on, coughing due to fumes in corners, even with a wee fan on,  splutter splutter goes the solder,

troll translation, wayside has virus, turn off iron and go to bed.

Dcc translation, if incorrect signal from track, it may not be from an isolated, track, or the signal may be too week, some decoders make engines cough and shudder as they slow down.


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6 hours ago, PorkyP said:

It's more likely welding all that galvanised stuff i did years ago, they used to get us to drink a " medicinal" pint of milk before starting !

sorry to hear that, often when we glorify old industrial times, we tend to forget those who paid in suffering. even today, with all the health and safety there's still work that takes its toll.

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I didn't do too badly at all compared to some poor souls who got exposed to blue asbestos for instance. A friend of mine's father sadly passed away as a result of asbestos, he could even name the job he was on when it likely started....  I always say the railway ( especially in England ) couldn't have even existed without those generations of mainly Irish lads digging massive tunnels and cuttings etc through solid hillsides, with nothing but hand tools.

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23 hours ago, PorkyP said:

I didn't do too badly at all compared to some poor souls who got exposed to blue asbestos for instance. A friend of mine's father sadly passed away as a result of asbestos, he could even name the job he was on when it likely started....  I always say the railway ( especially in England ) couldn't have even existed without those generations of mainly Irish lads digging massive tunnels and cuttings etc through solid hillsides, with nothing but hand tools.

yip, to above,,

since i started looking up the history of trains, it dawned on me, that the cargos were often very bad for nature, environment and people, even coal wagons are today replaced by conifer forest wagons, which most say aint good either, mine ores and spoil, nuclear flasks, ammonia fertiliser, peat and ash, the day old chickens, beet n cattle were safest.

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On 3/7/2020 at 9:25 AM, Broithe said:

Of course, the C-19 arrived here many years ago, in the form of this Avro Anson variant.


Actually I think the shade of orange is wrong, ... the green too actually .....:dig:


On 3/8/2020 at 1:31 PM, Horsetan said:




Edited by DiveController
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not so bad, the farm gates are shut the everyone, we isolated the business, the family are hunkering in, n occupation blocks 23,24,25, n more are now finished, after two resisting under board wires due to 50cm baseboard off floor, one tight corner was getting hairy wirey'' so i went under the base board with wiring. ran into an old bus, i think it was the 46a.

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