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Lidl Airbrush Set with Mini Air Compressor

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As Anthony says, it's single action so not the greatest. Still, having had one myself when starting out, it's better than a paintbrush! So for less than 70 bongs for someone starting out this is a great little job.


I particularly like the desktop compressor. Firstly, it beats freezing the ass off yerself outside in a cold shed with a 100dB compressor roaring in your ear every 5 minutes. Secondly, being able to paint at room temperature means quicker evaporation particularly if using acrylics and surgical spirits as a spray medium.


Thirdly, the selection of valve adapters is well handy, having had to purchase ones for my Iwata in the past on line... :rolleyes:

I see myself calling to Lidl this evening.

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I think the airbrush looks more like a splatter gun and probably wouldn't stand up in comparison to one of the entry level airbrushes from the more known and trusted airbrush manufacturers. As for compressors that are going to see a lot of use get a compressor with an air reservoir tank, you won't be sorry in the long run.


Find out where you can get replacement parts for the compressor and make sure they are easily available. If you are serious about a kit like this go to an airbrush retailer even though it may cost 50 or 60 quid more it will last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance.



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I got it yesterday, the airbrush is the usual basement level job (but heck, one of those did me grand until I got my Iwata). The compressor is a sturdy solid little divil. 100watts, 3bar output, good weight. And comes with the usual moneyback and product guaranteethat Lidl standover.


It's not too loud and sure beats freezing your ass out in a cold shed, as I found out last night as I was able to work from my office. Cleaning is easier as well as you just haul it along to the nearest sink, set it up and clean away with full pressure.

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