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Hattons deliveries (issue resolved)

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Folks and folkesses (if any!)

I have been trying several times to order stuff from Hattons online, to no avail. Every time I try to save a list of things I've ticked to buy, a message comes up to say "sorry....blah blah blah....fault reported to webmaster....etc". It doesn't work. I spent some considerable time trying to buy quite a god lot of stuff, yet their website - which at best is interminably slow - just doesn't work. 

Any thoughts, or alternatives with as large a range as they have?

I emailed at one stage - no answer. I doubt if they have a "webmaster" - if so, he's Rip van Winkle as he's been asleep for a long time.

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37 minutes ago, murrayec said:

Hi jhb

What are you trying to order? if you let us know we might have alternative sources.....



Cheap wagons! A few 5-plank yokes which will be good enough for a repaint and a level of weathering of truly ghastly level! If you search about at rejects an the like, they can be as cheap as £5 each....

Also a few accessories like a road van suitable for repainting as a P & T van of the fifties or sixties. I want two of these to meet mail trains...

There are also several wooden-planked British goods vans which are a very good approximation to some GSR goods vans built in the 1940s. Again, I'm looking for as cheap as chips.

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Believe me the best mail order company I find are 'Track Shack' based in the Isle of Man. My orders arrive within 48hours at minimum cost. This includes lengths of flexi- track which they send out in sturdy cardboard tubing packed with foam. Postage usually £3 - £4.

They carry a fantastic stock and they really care about their customers.

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Sorry to hear you've been having IT issues JB on Hattons web site.  Amongst others I primarily use Hattons and Peters Spares web sites, but I found Peters Spares site rather poor as they cannot save a shopping basket beyond a http session (i.e. instead they save it as an unfulfilled order - daft).  

I have found Hattons web site one of the best in the UK.  Their service and prompt delivery is excellent.  I couldn't recommend them highly enough, especially their low postage charges to ROI. Their range is more main stream and may not be as broad as Peters Spares who tend to have those less popular more specialist items.  

Perhaps they had a server glitch today, but also worth checking your web browser settings are normal and moderately up to date (i.e. within 5 years).

Edited by Noel
lexdysia again
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I managed, finally, to place an order with them for some wagons and bits and pieces. One wagon, however, is not quite what i thought it was - I can find a home for it, but I'd rather send it back. Do they refund things like that?

It's probably hardly worth it, so if anyone wants an original Hornby Dublo goods van in original box for €10, it's yours.

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Hi ,

I have to say having dealt with Hattons for 30 years then no real problem - having taught them that all deliveries by Royal mail- as I can get to sorting office easily other carriers have been much more awkward.  Website even as updated does what it says on the tin and I use XP.  Phone staff and emails have been good with out fail.  

clearly other mail order houses are available with Rails of Sheffield. Cheltenham  trains, Gaugemaster, Peters Spares to name just 4 I have used without problem.    

I have used the Hattons second hand service no problem and the returns system has worked well when  items  returned when wrong item came - only once it has to be said.  I would ring and discuss. I would expect and offer to swap for another wagon will work out better.   My last trade in netted funds for two 201 locos!


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