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  1. 201bhoy


  2. Great to see this layout resurrected!
  3. All about the Padraig Pearse now
  4. Yes I have thought of that too! Perhaps inner-city south Belfast, lower Ormeau on one side, Donegall Pass on the other, with all the murals and flags on display!
  5. Great video, although it would depress you when you look at the way things are now! Were there separate liners from Dublin to Mallow and Cork? Or did the Dublin-North Esk liner just drop off/pick up some containers at Mallow?
  6. Class list! I think the mk3s' last scheduled service was 2009, and the NIR mk2s ran into the early 2000s (I think so anyway as I'm near sure I remember them running past my house in my early childhood years!)
  7. Unreal!!!!!!!
  8. If you do get to Belmullet at some point make sure you get to P Healey's and McDonnell's, two of the best pubs in Ireland!
  9. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with this! My ma's from round that neck of the woods (Binghamstown) and I would be there regularly enough. Good luck!!
  10. Can't say I ever knew this happened! Anyone know why it was never continued?
  11. Does anyone have any photos of the 141s on this line that they could upload? Didn't realise that it stayed open til the mid 1960s!
  12. That's what I was wondering... timber trains just?
  13. Plus there's the loco to work the Grand Hibernian in the summer! I wonder will there be a surplus of 071s if 201s will be working all of the IWT liners?
  14. Great pics and realistic formation too! Pity Harp's not still brewed there, with the old marketing campaign, rather than this "pure here" drivel that they're doing now...
  15. Anyone remember a website called the Drimnagh Road? It was by some fella who took in a load of the last passenger workings by mostly by 071s, to Sligo Galway and Westport etc. Looked it up the other day and it was nowhere to be seen, was disappointed because it was a good aul blog!
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