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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Update, Interest in this has been immense so much so I have booked a Second room and have a potiential of over 40 tables. If any one has interest in the West Cork Railway, Chris Larkin will be selling some Memoribilia at the show along with quite a number of Slides in both B&W and Colour. College has finished now so I can concentrate on the models again thank god for that, If I can sell my kids at the fair I could be tempted!! cheers George
  2. Hi all Update: Such is the interest in this I have now 40 tables taken and I will be taking on a second room in the hotel so there are very few tables left. There will be a good proportion of private sellers that are going to be railway related. There will be Model Railways N and OO Mainly, Plastic kits, Model Railway Baseboards Service, Brendan Currans American Railway Model Stall, James Dewar of Detail Matters, Max Decals, RB Productions (great tools BTW Check out his site) and many more private traders and a few small layouts, Space limitations do not allow for me to bring in some layouts unfortunately. Come early for the Bargains:) Regards George
  3. after the rush of 071's some of you lads might be interested in this Update: I have now 40+ tables taken and have two rooms in the Hotel booked. There will be a good range of Model Railway Stuff from private sellers and trade that includes Grahams Toymaster, Irish Model Baseboards, Brendan Curran Model Trains. There will be a few layouts on show and plastic kits on Display from IPMS Ireland and ISM, Medals and Military Memobilia and from Local Artist Keith Wright who concentrates on Transport paintings and prints and Chris Larkin who will be selling West Cork Railway Posters and memoribilia. cheers George
  4. Pop into Jim in Marks Models, Hawkins street and I am sure he'll be able to come up with a spare for you. Otherwise take a look at the sheet that comes with the loco and that normally gives the spare part number which can be ordered direct from Bachmann and posted over to Ireland in a day or 2. They accept paypal too for payment. cheers G
  5. Cheers Rich, Not doing much these days, gotta get the study done and then trains later, Thought I'd have the van done in about 4 hours. Wrong!! Hopefully i'll get into the full swing of things once June is gone Take it handy G
  6. Steve, Thanks, Des supplies decals with the kits so theres no need for extra expenditure!! BTW You posted a few bits to me the other week!! Cheers George
  7. Hi Lads, New site looks good boys, Hope it lasts a bit longer this time. Heres the lastest pic of the Brake van, Its all soldered construction and took a wee bit more time than I expected. I have not progressed much further as I have exams in June and pressure is on ( thank Christ that will be over and one with then except for a project for August ), Just really need to start to finish off the painting of the model and she's done. It's a credit to Des and the thought he put into the ease of contruction. There were 2 Step hangars missing from the etch but it was no big deal to scratch build them from spare brass (I thought I had lost them and spent a while looking about for them!!), I used a brass roof and I need to put on the rain steps, Handrails and Chimney. More pics of the etch n stuff on this link if your interested: http://irishscalemodeller.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=23 Also just like the Clarify that the Scale Modeller site is not mine nor set up by me, I have not got time to scratch my behind not to mind looking after a forum!!! Cheers G
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