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Robert Shrives

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Everything posted by Robert Shrives

  1. Good news for all at IRM/ Accurascale. Impressive growth in staff hopefully bottom line will reflect this in time. I look forward to Irish models as they come and will watch UK model development with interest. With Graham as we found at Warley MRC you cannot keep a good man down- an invaluable member of our show host team !! Robert
  2. Hi What has happened here is that the tampo printed lining has reacted - it is printed in an ink not a paint - another confuser in colour matching ! and this is ink has reacted. Stripping as you say is the only way forward. Robert
  3. Here is a picture of the finished MIR resin kit , 0.7 brass rod and two 3D print brake wheels, Railtec transfers along with railmatch bauxite. One bogie is black having been swapped at Limerick... well you never know!. A 47 footer behind for good measure. Ride height ok with SSM kit but had to shave 1mm off bottom of bufferbeam for kaydee No 20 glued to the bogie extension piece. Last of the Peters spare 10.5 wheels- more being made in China it seems - do delivery date however. The next move is to get C-rail 40 foot box kits and SSM Bell transfers for them and the White metal ones - the high def IRM empty pack to run on the back .
  4. The MIR flats got painted and numbered and couplings sorted last few mornings. apart from my average modelling efforts on the tanks I found the sprung buffers disappointing so Lanarkshire models cast buffers painted and substituted, just need to find where I hid the dapol brake handle sprues and these will limp over the finish line some 4 years after starting - I wonder where the time goes ..
  5. cement wagons got some attention yesterday with pipework, ladders and unloading pipe and cap added.
  6. Well mine have just arrived and for sake of completeness all three come with pegs at 40 spacing and another 12 in the bits bag along with spare axle bearings , coupler bars and anti theft frames. All free running and a great addition for any liner train. A good move and thanks to all who made this extra run possible. Now if the factory happens to a have bin with surplus bogies burning a hole in the inventory .... .
  7. True , was looking on his site for transfers to do end of the sperry container - might have to get decorated ones and use SSM decals - one to ponder if lockdown stuff goes south.
  8. Just need to follow with a 3 back of Bell line 40` containers from C rail ? Arran Aird .... I get my coat - it is raining in Birmingham.
  9. Good film ! Peace returns after its passage ! Train a long one one showing the way forward with one new container. Thanks for showing . Robert
  10. Patrick, I guess the home signal the other side of bridge which must be convenient! The hardy screw tree does the job luckily will never lose its leaves in the fall! Might be a bit of work for the PW fencing gang at some point but it looks pretty well done for me . You have achieved much more in 2 1/2 years than you will believe. The layout has been a personal inspiration and to many others as well. The hobby does sucessfully pass over borders and oceans and long may it continue to do so. Hope the 121s land soon. Thanks for sharing this lovely corner Robert
  11. Good to see some yellow pegs - I guess in the bits bag. Good use of the three vehicle box and packaging - now need to work out what else fits... 3 bogie cement perhaps?
  12. knew I had seen something .
  13. slightly off topic but I removed yellow pegs from spoil wagon containers - off inner end as all held in place by the stone guard so got 8 pegs of two wagon so that allows two pegs on 4 short containers. A thin slice of plastic strip held in by tacky wax would also allow a non damaging fix. UHU or similar glue would do I guess. Robert
  14. David, Thanks, Yes some fuel but in short wheelbase tanks the Roberts Esso tanks imported early 60s IIRC Managed last tank this morning and rest of Sperry less container details on an end - have to source from Arran Aird at some point - might be a generic ISO label . What I have not got for the tanks are some orange hazchem plaques - but think I will use some N gauge ones. then to weather/ spoil them ! Off to work for a rest ! Robert
  15. Jason B, Well true and an ideal case for a well weathered master model to be used to get a best ever factory weathered model to lift the bar in which IRM excel ... Also wagon common enough and with several variations of notices plus Molasses and Chevron in blue might offer a good commerical base. And while great fun with the SSM etches for me many might find the rtr the way to get one. I had thought good for the Sligo fuel train but of course not quite the right wagon but that is now done for the UK market IIRC. Robert
  16. Amazingly sharp modelling ! Your mock up is better than my best , many hats off to you ! Robert
  17. Well transfers added to two more tanks, Sperry wagon this week. Thanks to Railtec and SSM Also an MIR resin 47 foot flat - on SSM bogies , Lanarkshire buffers and draw hook, awaits kaydee 20s and a brake wheel adding along with bauxite and railtec trasfers- albeit chopped to get right number, Will have to get suitable container to sit on top as it is very light. This along with the 3D print and I guess the cast version this is based on (I do not have) one is the history for these. On third thoughts ! You could really take a saw and stuff to the triang flat of old and create one... just in time for MIR to find another use for the bogie tools !! Robert
  18. well to add to story a couple of pics of the MIR resin 42 flat on SSM bogies, Lanarkshire buffers and hook, I was tempted to add additional bracing but will leave in the supplied condition - brake wheels to add after painting .
  19. Go on, go on , go on. You know you want to .....
  20. Deed done ! Looking forward to announcement for next wagon/ loco/ railcar (ICR clockwork+pushalong = hybrid) Robert
  21. Timber wagons are 62 foot and as built had differing bogies.- built as container wagons but some now part of rail/ steel liner trains . Which might be a new project having built three timber wagons from Hornby flats and the 3D prints intended for the 4 wheel version. At least the 47 foot container shares the 42 foot bogie as do more modern PW/ MOW wagons so still mileage in the bogie tools. I suspect the round buffered 42 foot flat on ridemaster bogies would go well with the earlier versions of Irish locos. bogie cement and Ammonia wagons look like the next signature models for those who do not want to go down the kit route. What would please me is if the boys in the palace could see a way to sell some complete bogies in say 8 bogie packs to allow up grading of older wagons from the MIR range and perhaps help folk who are not to keen on brass soldering. sorry if off topic and a bit wish listy! Robert
  22. Dapol got Ian Clenton of Mercig to weather a model western and this was supplied to China as a example of what was wanted and this worked very well. It just means working up a close and careful spec for the factory to follow. The generic rail grime colour used elsewhere is a a shame as it does not even give a good base to work on. Robert
  23. "Our ESU Sound decoder should be ready shortly for the 121." says Charlie Petty at DC kits when he advised on an order for some wheels this morning. Just adding this but do not know enough about DCC and how 121 configured to know if this is useful, I will leave that to better minds than mine ! Robert.
  24. Good morning, I too extend a big thank you to Paddy Murphy for all works achieved and for having the confidence to go for the long run with the risks involved in business. I first saw rtr Lima models in Ian Allan in Birmingham and snapped up a blue 201 and a pack of coaches in NIR livery, perhaps 20 years ago, may be more. Like many others it started a life long interest in the real railway and modelling. Even MTK could not put me off ! The more recent models show that attention to detail really works - at a cost but hopefully sales have recovered some of the investment. Perhaps no state acknowledgement, but the name will live on in the hobby , like Fry and maybe in time IRM with a display space at the Fry model railway to keep all the development and sucess story in one place. Paddy can rest on his laurels for many a day and certainly deserves a rest and a good drink to recover from getting the 121 to the hobby, but can you keep a good man down ? Robert
  25. Hi Thanks for that , I suspect the no shows have died ! it takes so long but hopefully your friend had a good time. I should be able in New year if COV19 etc allows make a trip but until then rely on staff within PRONI to come up with the goods. Robert
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