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Gabhal Luimnigh

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Everything posted by Gabhal Luimnigh

  1. I placed an order the other day but I got a refund yesterday, no explanation, no reply to my email asking why either, I wonder if they are still operating? Answered the second email.
  2. Brilliant, I am late for work because of this now but who cares! I love it, well done lad, fair dues.
  3. Not too late, in a box ready for the charity shop, I can take photos if you want me to.
  4. I presume it's Tuam they mean?
  5. Thanks lad, appreciate your help.
  6. Correct about Gerry, he is a gent, as regards the other 3, that was part of my plan to have a go at painting and weathering, I'm looking forward to it all. Thanks for the tip.
  7. And then...... Followed by.... Maybe not to everyone's taste but I like them.
  8. Well I got my first piece of Irish railway in the post today, it's not CIE unfortunately but it's a start, onwards....
  9. Just been reading through this, it's a really good layout, from all the different angles you get a great picture, well done and keep the pictures coming please.
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