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Gabhal Luimnigh

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Everything posted by Gabhal Luimnigh

  1. Stunning workmanship lad Lovely pieces.
  2. Excellent, your dialogue is up there with your kit building, thanks again lad.
  3. Well thanks to Galteemore I got a start
  4. The two blue shunters are gone now.
  5. The decline of the Irish language was down to Peig, she haunted us!
  6. You're correct Patrick, I am making two rubber packers for the back of it, I will do the wiring first.
  7. Ok lads I have a load of coaches here and two locomotives, all repainted, mostly by Millipede (Gerry), they are good reproductions but I have enough and I thought maybe someone here might like them, €15 each for the coaches and €30 each for the locos, both running.
  8. Some of the locos are working, some are definitely not, I will put the operational ones first and the duds last.
  9. I will take a few pictures of what I have and make a new post.
  10. What are you looking for exactly? I can have a dig in the box.
  11. Not much progress, too much fine weather means outside work, getting some of the track sorted and got the gaugemaster controller fitted in position.
  12. Thanks Alan, I think I will start with something easy, this forum is an encyclopedia.
  13. I thought you loved ballasting?
  14. Thanks lads, great information as usual, I'm well used to soldering, brazing, gas welding etc etc, I also did my apprenticeship as a sheet metal fabricator so we'll see if Anco were any good , I appreciate the help and hints.
  15. Lads I'm going to head into the dark arts side of the hobby, I'm looking for a steam loco for my Kilfree Junction layout, so I'm picking the brains of the elders here who can tell me which kit to get? Studio Scale Models have a few options.
  16. Nice addition Noel, it works well.
  17. Great pictures.
  18. I'd love to see it but the wrong end of the country after a hard week of work
  19. Now that's handsome.
  20. I didn't want to say
  21. Lads what is the best option for six wheel coaches? I'm definitely a rookie at this era and I need guidance, is there ready to run options or is it kit only?
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