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Everything posted by Dempsey

  1. I have noticed that when I drive it cab first the bonnet headlights are on and vise versa. I'll record a video of this and the start up and maybe you can provide more insight?
  2. I bought it marks. Although an esu decoder I did find it odd it came in a MM package
  3. No, 121 sound chip according to the package.
  4. 20240216_180628.mp4 Class 121 No.130 arrives at Barracks Street 20240216_180628.mp4
  5. From pictures I've been looking at your work was not in vain haha.
  6. And might that be before or after the 201s????
  7. My ear were burning. I'm sure I could find jobs for another 071 or two
  8. Hopefully it will have an equally grubby partner soon
  9. Arrived today. Roll on Friday evening until I get home to get my weathering hands on them.
  10. Now the scenic work can continue with all the gremlins worked out electronically.
  11. They look fantastic. Can't wait for mine to arrive
  12. Trick is to get her to buy them for you
  13. No not at all, there is an esu decoder in it so unless the single tail light is programed for it I can't say.
  14. With the wiring fully completed a few issues have developed. 1. There is a dead section of track. This is on a point which was never intended to have a point motor as it is permanently set into the yard. While it had been pre wired I simple overlooked wiring it up. 2. The point motor at the far end of the yard has seized up, and won't throw. I've disconnected it and retested with a new 9v. Unfortunately it looks like I'll need a new one. On the other hand I did have some time to do some shunting. 20240128_190627.mp4
  15. I had a bid in to try and save it haha
  16. I know it gives a date that the amount is due, the pay now throw so thought better to check. Thanks for the reply Bos
  17. Do you have to go through partial.ly for putting down a deposit as it says you can do or is it a case that if you hit pay now it loads that option?
  18. Excellent
  19. Brilliant scenes
  20. Thank you, had a few gremlins at the start when I began but that was more down to learning. The ocd took over a bit with the routing of wiring but happy with the results. You are spot on on that front, glad to have it done and look forward to a bit of shunting around before working on some of the building lighting.
  21. Latest update at Barracks Street. The wiring as you can see if fully completed and tested. This includes the point motors and switches. There motors and switching harness was done with a 9v battery and pending the arrival of the power supply. I also built a control panel for the point switches. Your thoughts as always are appreciated. Chris
  22. While not going for a peacetime look the rusting and even the build up on the lower hull is not finished. The layers are still to be faded back. Thank you for the link, i will look into it.
  23. Airfix 1/600 HMS Hood model kit for a nice change of pace. Maybe I'm looking at this through the eyes of the 12 year old I was making the last kit I got from Airfix but I don't remember the being such issues with fitment as you can see. Here are some pictures of the progress so far. Your thoughts and comments are as always appreciated.
  24. Guilty as charged
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