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Everything posted by Dempsey

  1. Some more building work at the far end of the yard. The sub structure is taking space. Using some poetic license here as from the video I'm using for reference I can't tell exactly what they were as they no longer exist. This is however becoming my favourite angle. Also got my hands on a pair of ferts for the yard.
  2. Masking is the big time killer. Livery dependant of course. Weathering is the easier of the two but still requires the same level of planning in terms of layering colours and effects. If your working off a picture, you have to break that down then into when you apply paint, powders or washes.
  3. I think it would be hard to make a living solely off weathering or repaints. The time invested say for a full repaint if you were to apply the minimum wage rate to the time invested then you would charge extrusion amount for the work. For my part and my service it is done solely in my free time, as a labour of love and a want to help others get the weathering effect they want or the livery they want which may not be available. When I started weathering it was sharing what I had done with my own models and a few on here thought it was to a standard that they would pay for and asked me to do work for them. Something which I am grateful for.
  4. Fantastic scenes JB
  5. The sub structure for the bridge is complete and tested for clearance. This well form the scenic break between the rear staging area and the layout itself.
  6. Thank you. As much as I'm looking forward to seeing some shunting going on in the yard, the building aspect is proving to be a great but enjoyable challenge of the layout
  7. Prefect, thank you very much
  8. Can anyone provide me with the measured height of a fert wagon from the base of the sleepers of the rail to the top of the wagon? I don't have any at present and need it to insure I have clearance for a bridge I'm building on my layout. Thanks in advance
  9. Progress has been slow since my last post. The two building are complete in so far as the major work and painting has been done. All that remains is some of the roofing detail and drainpipes etc. Track wise I'm happy with the track plan and have begun laying down the cork roadbed with 60 percent done. As I will be using kadee couplers I've begun siting and testing magnets to try remove the hand of god for exhibitions when uncoupling. This as been a try and error approach between finding the right dimensions and strength. Once that is finalised I'll begin wiring and laying the track and points. Your thoughts as always are appreciated. Chris
  10. Take two. Taking the lessons learned from the first and wanting to push myself I choose to build a second. Adding internal details,wiring, ammo creates, folded up seats, fast rope on the rear ramp and flag before mounting on a painted base which is painted to mimic the aircraft park where the 160th is based in the states
  11. Brilliant from start to finish
  12. It's turning into the centre piece of the layout. I'm enjoying the amount of scratch building that will have to be completed for the layout.
  13. Unfortunately it will be covered over. The way the fert pallets are set up to the right is to give the impression of being full while covering the wiring which will come up through the base for the internal lighting. When I started building it, i did so with the intention that you would only be able to view in through the side door. A way to draw in the eye towards hidden details. I can't help looking at "ground" level inside myself when working on the building. I usually come away with another bit of detail I'd like to add.
  14. Some small amount of progress on the internal details within the large goods shed.
  15. Layout update. Building progress continues slowly. The second building is effectively a low relief building with the remainder being off layout. The main building has had an overhanging shelter (not finished) fit with the addition of a IRM forklift to handle the loading/unloading duties of fert wagons.
  16. NS and CSX will not be impressed . Some American power will be on my target list in the future.
  17. Didn't know Union Pacific had trackage rights at Tara
  18. That is a brilliant idea and one I had not considered. It is definitely worth looking into for sure.
  19. Thanks very much. I think the plastic card I used was from a brand call green stuff including the block work overlay.
  20. Have a set just waiting weathering. I'm really enjoying building it.
  21. Update. The first two pictures show the work to the internal scene within the large shed. Not yet finished awaiting figures, forklift, lighting and drums and pallets. The second pair of pictures show the shed with its basic paint applied and a test fit and clearance test of the canopy which over hangs the first track.
  22. There are a few more jobs to do internally before work begins on the outside such a the floor and detailing but overall for a first stretch build I'm delighted so far.
  23. Some more work done today. This saw the addition of an internal wall which I noticed from the reference video. Painting of the visible wall which you will only be able to see after the roof is fitted.
  24. Thank you very much Rob. I'm happy with the progress so far. Lots more to come.
  25. Layout Update. Today was spent constructing the sub structure of the large shed which will be central to the Layout
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