I remember coming across a video of a MM example repainted in the rail fright livery the same as the 071s. I thought it wore it well. Could a few of the non push pulls in storage be converted to run on fright duties?
Fair to say what ever it will be will suit some and not others. I look forward myself to finding out whether my bank account will be safe or if I'll be looking forward to my new purchase
It's sad to hear that MM is a solo effort. I have to say that MM is responsible for my interest in irish railway modelling. When I returned to the hobby I knew nothing of the rich history of irish rail. I have MM and also now IRM to thank for increasing my knowledge and being for driver behind me wanting to learn more.
Ive been so tempted by those six for weeks now. They've been up a good while. But after repainting another rake of mk3s plus I've three mk2s on the way to do it would be a more want then need purchase for me
Also in addition to your point for anyone looking to try their hand at repainting, putting down the white first as even a primer layer helps give the orange a brighter look.
I use Ral 2011 through an airbrush.
I normally do reverse masking as I've done on my repainted rakes of mk3s. Was trying something new for my own experience more then anything. As this was my first time building the kit I used it more as a way to experiment.
Never the less thank you and I've been following your thread and the work on those mk2s are excellent.
Just stumbled across this post and am instantly fascinated. Is there any more information? Pictures? Dos it still exist or did we do the irish thing and scrap this piece of irish military history?