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Everything posted by Dempsey

  1. Well maybe with the upcoming releases of 201s it could be a possibility depending on how these sell?
  2. Now that is a idea and a half in my eyes. I'll talk two of each
  3. The two 071s that were up before it finished up near the 300 mark. Crazy money all round
  4. It would remind you of when manufacturers starting applying their own form of "weathering" to locomotives. Just a quick blast and job done.
  5. Congratulations that's fantastic
  6. Just paid off 048 today. Looking forward to seeing this locomotive in the flesh so to speak.
  7. Great news
  8. Looks like they weren't meant for me.
  9. I just don't have the same nostalgia towards them as many on here. While i have a 121 and it is a extremely detailed model and have an A class on order the 071 is for me what those youve mentioned are to others. I dont want to buy locomotives I'll get no nostalgic feeling out of and take away from the pool of those that do on a chance that someone might trade
  10. Yeah and they're quickly approaching my budget.
  11. I didn't notice that. Very good point. Even so there maybe some interest and last minute buyers
  12. Ive bid on them but I'm not going to win. Last minute snipers and I'm not going any higher
  13. Dempsey

    071 class

    I remember when i got back into the hobby the first model i bought was an 071. Looking back now i wish i had bought more for as they are rare to come by. I think over time re-runs will become more and more possible regardless of the model. The upcoming mk3 and mk2s for example will see prices reduce from what can be found on ebay
  14. That result is excellent Noel
  15. I really can't see them commanding such a price once the reruns come to market unless you were after mint in box examples. But to each there own. I'm sure there are some crying foul at such an action haha
  16. Hey all, I'm looking for any pictures of the 201 hauled enterprise coaching stock following they're introduction. Specifically for placement of decals and transfers on sides and coach ends and running numbers. Any help or pictures would be greatly appreciated as I have only been able to find more recent livery examples.
  17. Lima set of galway livery mk2s and mm genny van in galway livery up on ebay for any interested. Sorry no links as i seen them through the app
  18. Correct and right. Thank you very much
  19. I was referring to mk2s in general as that to some they just see a over priced mk2 coach. They may not know or even care that there are variations with that class of coach in any case.
  20. Given the upcoming re-releases coming from MM they will have to drop in price at some point. They aren't going to get the return on investment they may have paid
  21. Just have to built the genny and the dvt which are posts to follow
  22. Finally no.230 has some matching stock to haul having spent the last few weeks repainting hornby mk4s. Complete with passengers. As always guys I appreciate your feed back and thoughts. VID_20210307_194351.mp4
  23. I remember seeing a video on YouTube where a model one had been resprayed the same as the grey 071s and it suited the 201
  24. Thank you, i actually think it looks good
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