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Galteemore last won the day on January 15

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    Trains, history, keeping fit


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  1. Absolutely so John- that’s Fred. We also have a BCDR tank loco that Fred built - one of the large 4-4-2Ts. Don’t have a pic. He also did a fine WT class.
  2. Lovely, Michael. Had a vague memory you did. Bizarrely, the images arrived on the very day I was putting my first ever GN 4-4-0 back together after painting. It’s an etched kit but Fred’s work matches what any kit designer can churn out.
  3. Many years ago I was brought to see Fred Graham’s clockwork layout / think Drew Donaldson but GNR. When Fred downsized, we bought some of his models, quickly loaning them to a museum. So I haven’t seen them for years, but this week they returned to family custody and I was sent some pics. The blue is original Dundalk paint. Should I try a 36.75 conversion @David Holman? The bubble wrap holds a 5” gauge S class…..
  4. Very tidy backhead David. Something rather lovely about glimpsing that worn copper and brass through the cab doorway. The firebox door looks like it could work !
  5. Are you sure being in the legal profession aligns with your personal values ?;)
  6. Saints days and Sundays are also exempt for Catholics ….
  7. Hi David - I used some square plastic rod, coupled with whitemetal valve parts from SD Models. The tube has a core drilled through it which nicely replicates the gauge glass inside the shroud. White plasticard backing with chevrons completes the look.
  8. Very handy little engines, the Ts, Leslie. On loan to the NCC, one managed Belfast to Carrick in 12’45!
  9. Achingly slow progress on the PP. Cab is more or less done / even if reversing gear moved too far right when I was glueing it Few bits of toning down to do but almost there. Making transparent gauge glasses was ‘fun’
  10. Unlikely. Sambo was Dublin based and Pat was in Cork. Even then, Pat tended to stay fairly aloof from other locos..,.
  11. Always a good show. Sorry I didn’t make it this year. Big draw for me was always the trade support. Many traders in 7mm don’t have elaborate websites so shows are the only chance to browse and see what’s new.
  12. Something has stirred in the oul brain…I have a vague memory Mac Arnold may have advocated it. It’s easy to forget now but in preservation’s early days all kinds of weird and wonderful liveries could be seen in GB. In fact, even the RPSI’s 186 was initially turned out in SLNCR livery - plain black with red rods ! People had, I think, become so used to steam locos in appalling states of decay that anything which captured a bit of colour was welcome. NI enthusiasts had spent the years since 1948 watching locos gradually become a universal shade of dirty black. With no prospect of ever seeing the prewar NCC livery again, I think Mac may have advocated applying it to the Jeep, presumably on the basis they’d have carried it if delivered pre 39.
  13. That’s clearly why JHB is involved in the reveal. He’s drawn up all those authentic livery schemes. Although IIRC in the very early 70s a plan was hatched by some NCC fans in the RPSI to paint 4 NCC red. Souvenir badges of her as such were produced and sold, again the gargle dims me brain but that’s what I recall….
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