There is a scaled down version of the etch TMD/SSM etch in circulation from a few years back, commissioned, I think, by Patrick O'Sullivan author of the Farranfore to Valencia Harbour books.
I've been kindly gifted three of the etches by other 2mm Association members one of which I've partially built ( I seem to have become the custodian of Irish railway etches for 2mm finescale).
Although it doesn't appear to be in their catalogue? I have contemplated approaching them to see if these could be reduced to 2mm but 7-2mm might be a stretch to far to result in anything buildable.
I've always viewed any scaled down etch (or print) as an aid to scratch building rather than a full blown kit, the basic structure should be usable (although might require a few tweaks) anything else is a bonus. That said Mayner's MGWR horse box and meat vans went together well.