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Everything posted by Irishswissernie

  1. Glengarriff doesn't have a lifting section but the boards are at a height of 42 inches (107 cm I think - I'm to old to go metric!) which helps. I crawl under due to a bad back as well. I've actually done some work on the layout today as the loft temperature is only 70F; the Monsoon is now in full swing in Haltwhistle plus Mrs B and the 'lodgers' (daughter and hubby) are away for a week in London Ernie
  2. I think as I'm weathering my proposed rake its more a case of shades of red and grey rather than lettering Tralee June 2001 ERnie
  3. I will be staying with the IR version already ordered and paid for. Ernie
  4. Here are a couple of the tractor + wagons https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/5739249197/in/album-72157626638886303/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/5739249427/in/album-72157626638886303/ The day I video'd these a 141 had gone on the far end of the rake and gave them a nudge to get them started! Saw tanks at Tralee and Waterford as well Ernie
  5. Thanks for the kind comments! The O Gauge locos have all moved on , the 2 SLNC tanks via this forum in 2014, Des now has one of them. I also had 2 North Star PP's but they went elsewhere plus an unmotorised SG3 built to the correct gauge 37mm? , a JT and also a Class S 4-4-0, these moved on a bit earlier, probably via my mate Geof Poulter at Contikits. The 4 North Star locos were built for me by a friend of Ian Young (Sans Pareil Models). Ian still has memories of helping to knock out the rivet detail on the 0-6-4t's. I think Ian is doing the detail castings for the forthcoming 00 Works loco but I may be wrong. The NG stock was mainly plasticard bodies with Bachmann 00 gauge chassis for the locos and best described as a pastiche of Irish narrow gauge practice. I like to think they captured the 'ambience' of the Irish narrow gauge rather than an exact copy. I am probably more of an artist (some would say add Pxxx artist) than a modeller. Ernie
  6. https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/albums/72157690426038844 There are a few more in this flickr album which also includes some of the Irish O gauge locos I had at one time. A fair number of the layouts appear to have escaped the camera! Ernie
  7. Not Glengarriff, not much progress there at the moment because the heat in the loft is somewhat oppressive. Roll on the school holidays as in Haltwhistle they normally start the Halti Monsoon season which lasts for precisely the same time as the holidays! However today I was watching some of my old video's now on DVD when I came across a short extract of a layout my son and I started some 20 years ago based on a narrow gauge Sligo & Donegal junction railway in On30 scale I hadn't realised we had progressed so far with the layout until now. Here are some stills, I don't possess the technology or more likely the skills to upload the video! ERnie
  8. If you missed out on the ballast wagons, they didn't always remember them on the real thing! https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/14731171042/in/album-72157646594210844/ Ernie
  9. I'm not really a fan of mirrors for this purpose. One tends to get reflections of bits of the layout room or from the lights. When I'm 'playing' trains i.e. just letting them run around slowly I tend to sit down and get a much lower eye level view as per the prototype so the cut off nature of the buildings isn't evident. When I'm standing to shunt in the yard I'm concentrating on the yard action so the the layout in the background isn't so obvious. I am also partially sighted with some tunnel vision (one of its few or possibly only advantage's!) ERnie
  10. Interesting although sad to see the station now from when I was there back in 2003 & 2005 but I see the tradition of having a dumped wagon is being carried on although I don't think the goods yard tracks are connected now! The Drone is a good way of finding out the roof details. Ernie
  11. This photo on my flickr site I took at North Wall bears out the only one pallet in the centre 2 bays. I also video'd various mixed Liners with around 4 ferts in the consists https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/5739848398/in/album-72157626638886303/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/5739849932/in/album-72157626638886303/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/5768010571/in/album-72157626825629406/ ERnie or even just 1!
  12. I've got that DVD if its the Markle Tara & Clara one; very interesting! Does anyone know how they re-assemble the wagons after unloading (I managed to video the train arriving at the unloader and the loco running round back in 1905) The video shows the last wagon being unloaded and taken back to the front of the train but for the rest does the loco push the train in and after each wagon is unloaded and traversed to the mt siding does the loco then run out onto Alexandra Road and then then pull the wagon off the traverser with the rest of the mts. Ernie
  13. The station overall roof and goods shed complex are now basically done and painted today which is why they have the "wet look" Its about 10 years since I have done any serious modelling but putting it on here is a great incentive to get on with it. A bit like 30 years ago when if I promised to build a layout for a Show then I just had to stick in and get it built. This often meant getting up at 6am and doing an hours modelling before going off to work but at least it got me out of walking the dogs/feeding the kids etc. Ernie
  14. Hurray! Half term is over and the Missus has returned to school therefore work has resumed on the station buildings etc. The Goods shed will be portrayed as having been modernised with a canopy over a widened entrance. Were these rebuilt to form garages for road vehicles does anyone know? Ernie
  15. You could also include the original route of the Fishguard & Rosslare Railway (originally Wexford & Waterford railway I think) south of Wexford which was superseded by the direct route towards Waterford from Rosslare Strand and didn't see much use afterwards closing about 5 years later. My brain hurts! ERnie
  16. The links from the Burma Road , the Sligo, Leitrim & Northern Counties and the M&GWR Sligo line at Collooney/Ballysodare also formed a triangle, although I doubt if they were ever used as such. Ernie
  17. Charleville, Limerick City, Moyasta (West Clare), Greenisland and nowadays Belfast GVS. Ernie
  18. Well er! actually the Sundeala boards are grey to start with! ERnie
  19. Some progress has been made. The station area track, laid and ballasted and the track painted. There has been some adjustment to the track plan. The run round for the bubbles has been lengthened so that a long former cattle bank can be created but now utilised as a Guinness compound and siding, whilst still be long enough for releasing the 'bubbles ' loco and odd wagons. The passing loop at the station has been shortened with a new connection to the running line and the former 'off scene' point now will serve a loco siding/stabling point. Basic shell of the station train shed has been built so that I can check the aesthetics. The sky backdrop has also been cut and glued onto the back boards as this is an almost impossible job once one starts on the scenics in front of it. Its half term next week and the Missus is off from school so little chance of getting anything done for a few days! Ernie
  20. Sorry, I gave up on Exhibiting back in the late 1980's although I continued attending Shows but working on various friend's Trade stands for many years thereafter and also looked after a local model shop when the owners were doing shows, having holidays etc. I have a flickr album in Ernie's Railway Archive of some of the layouts. Thankfully not many photos were taken and those that were are mostly of the same quality as the layouts! hhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/albums/72157690426038844/page1 I have now reached my '3 score + 10' and being retired have discovered that I don't have any free time any more. Apparently this is a common problem! Ernie
  21. Glengarriff is now up and running or at least the fiddle yards and continous run are working. I have tested various trains/formations and so far so good! A single 141 will handle 21 'bubbles' easily. Work has now started on the station trackwork with some modification to the track plan to provide a locomotive siding. Trackwork here will take longer to lay as I need to incorporate Gaugemaster ballast roll and also Wire & Tube to work the points. The ballast has to be cut and shaped to fit the points. Ernie
  22. This isn't a GNR box; the GNR didn't serve Ballymena. The old Company was the Belfast & Northern Counties Railway which became the Midland Railway, Northern Counties Committee (NCC) after purchase by the English Midland Railway and then part of the LMS. This is the same style of Box at Derry, Waterside. This is more like the standard GNR box, the main difference being that the roof does not overhang as much and isn't shaped the same. Ernie
  23. 18 May1963 A38 Railtour Barrack St Ernie
  24. Its throwing it down and there's only me and the dogs at home tonight so I have done a bit more 'feasibility studying' plus adding the back boards to the station section. I can't make the back drop boards full height as if something derails in the back storage loops I need to reach over to get it. A mirror mounted on the wall will help me check that nothing is blocking the loops such as uncoupled wagon, dead mouse or secreted chocolate (All confirmed past causes!) The 2 x 1 stretchers will screw the 2 boards together like a box when interchanged thereby protecting the layout. First photo shows station boards removed . Layout can still be operated as a continous run for testing or just playing trains. Second photo shows 16 bubbles in the 'storage part' of the silo siding. Third photo. Checking out train lengths etc. Fourth photo. The passenger section is at the far end and will feature an Overall roof to disguise the exit. Only the platform ends will be modelled as I don't think anyone has replicated passengers alighting and boarding so basically nothing appears to happen when the train comes in.
  25. A fair number of 4 wheel timber wagon photos in my Flickr albums including Limerick Junction & Waterford https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/5768509244/in/album-72157626825629406/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/15390361633/in/album-72157626825629406/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/5883304063/in/album-72157627074623032/ ERnie
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