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2996 Victor

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Everything posted by 2996 Victor

  1. Love the lathe and pillar drill, superb! Kind regards, Mark
  2. Although I dislike making negative comments, I have to concur. This particular manufacturer has many items listed that I would be most interested in. However, a couple of years ago I ordered some narrow gauge War Department Class D bogie wagons for an Ashover Light Railway layout project. The models when they arrived were terribly striated and the surface details were very poorly defined. Unfortunately, this supplier's models seem to only be available in one single type of material, which I've been informed isn't ideal for fine detail, and so I've made a conscious decision to not order from him again. Kind regards, Mark
  3. Crikey, its been a while since I posted anything here. That's not to say that nothing has been occurring, but unfortunately what has been occurring hasn't been particularly tangible! I'm still looking into the signal box issue, and it's looking increasingly likely that, as a fairly large proportion of MGWR cabins seem to have been to McKenzie & Holland pattern, that will be the style of cabin I'll go for for my project layout, which has the working title of Mount Bellew. As far as a model cabin is concerned, I have been looking closely at the Ratio kit of Highley Signal Box on the Severn Valley Railway because, yep, it too is a McKenzie & Holland cabin! The orientation of the planking seems to be at odds with at least some of the MGWR cabins, but hopefully not all which will give me the "could have been" get out of gaol clause..... In other news, I've been spending a few pleasant hours looking at the historic OSI 25-inch maps of the MGWR's terminii, in an attempt to get a feel of how they were laid out. The reason for this is to hopefully come up with a track layout for Mount Bellew that is "typically MGWR", and to accomplish this I've been making pencil sketches of the terminii so that they can be more easily compared. I've only Loughrea to do to complete the set (I've not sketched out Clara as its a bit of an odd one, being part junction). Far from there being a "house style", however, they all seem to be different: the only recurring theme throughout is the turntable. However, the goods shed is often sited behind the platform adjacent to the station buildings, and in the "western" terminii, i.e. Achill, Clifden and the "Baronial Lines" the presence of multiple loops is a distinctive feature. Its quite funny, really, when looking at the "western" terminii how they're actually quite train-set-like in their layouts! Now, where did I put my childhood Hornby track.....? So hopefully there should be some progress soon toward a definitive track layout for Mount Bellew, and when I actually "cut the first sod" I'll start another thread over in Irish Model Layouts, but I suspect that won't be for a while yet..... Stay safe and stay well, everyone! With kind regards, Mark
  4. Hi, nothing wrong in my book with tried and tested methods! One question, though, have you engineered some means of positively locating the switch blades against the stock rails? Looking forward to the next video! Kind regards, Mark
  5. Hi MM, if you go to the NIL website here, at the bottom of the Home page are links for subscriptions, which are priced according to where you are - click on the appropriate link and away you go! You can subscribe using either a card or via PayPal. There's also a Contact page. With kind regards, Mark
  6. Hi, I've just recently subscribed to New Irish Lines and today received my first issues, November 2019 and May 2020, and I just wanted to say that the photos of Rosses Point in the November 2019 issue look fantastic. With kind regards, Mark
  7. Sadly, there's no been progress to report, as yesterday was spent trying to make some headway in the garden, and today has been largely a lazy day. Having said that, I've spent an enjoyable couple of hours looking at OSI 25" maps of MGWR terminii, while sketching out plans for my project layout. Nothing definite yet, but some ideas are coming together. The one common aspect of the terminii plans I've looked is a very long overall length, which unfortunately I can't reproduce, so finding a way to crop the length while maintaining the feel of space is exercising my limited intellect..... Not currently having any gainful employment to go to, hopefully I'll make some progress on my wagons tomorrow! Cheers for now! Mark
  8. Sorry to hear about your enforced change of plan, but I'm certain it'll be worthwhile! Definitely looking forward to seeing progress and your trackwork. Stay safe! Best regards, Mark
  9. Hi John, Fantastic info as always and superb photos, particularly the works photo of "Robin". I should say that's the perfect photo for a loco in my period. Bizarre, isn't it, how often in works photos of locos the chimney rim appears to be angled due to perspective/parallax/whatever it is! Best regards, Mark
  10. Thanks, @minister_for_hardship, that's actually rather sad, isn't it? But not all that surprising, I suppose, and not uncommon practise. I must admit that this far I hadn't noticed the sandbox numerals.....too busy looking at wagons! All the best, Mark
  11. Excellent! Style, it certainly is! Kind regards, Mark
  12. Hi @Midland Man and @Galteemore, Thanks for clarifying - as I said, I have a lot to learn! Interesting to note that both the 'E' and the 'P' have (brass?) numerals on their sandboxes. Was this an MGWR or a GSR practise? I'll definitely need at least one 'E' Class, but there may be a 'P' as well, even though I can't really justify one..... Best regards, Mark
  13. Hi @Galteemore, Thanks for confirming that - I still have a lot to learn! Was it the 'P' Class that were the North Wall banking locos? Best regards, Mark
  14. I also meant to add that the SSM kits of the MGWR convertible wagons have also arrived, along with some etched axleguard sets, so I've got plenty to be getting on with! Cheers for now, Mark
  15. Not really appropriate for a rural branch, then, but a handsome loco nonetheless! Kind regards, Mark
  16. Some photographs of the progress on the ballast wagons: Two floors scribed, along with enough side sheeting for four wagons: http:// And some ends marked out: http:// Two of the wagons had their interior planks scribed as the intention is to run one of them semi-empty, with just some things a track gang might need - I did two just to make sure one turned out alright! Here, they've been assembled, and the other two are part-assembled as well. On the latter two, I haven't bothered to scribe their interior planks and the floor is plain 40thou styrene sheet: http:// The simple jig I built to get the curvature of the ends the same: http:// And lastly a close-up of the better of the two with the full interior - at least, it will have the full interior in due course: http:// Apologies for the lack of clarity in some of my photographs - they should come out well as its a decent camera, but the light in my workroom, which great for modelling purposes, isn't great for photography! Hope to have a proper update soon! Regards, Mark
  17. Hi MM, yes - that's exactly the sort of loco that I need to be building - a stalwart of the branch lines! Kind regards, Mark
  18. Dear All, I realise that I haven't added any additional posts for quite a while, so here is a short update. First off, the microstrip for the Loco Coal wagons' side knees has arrived at last, although I haven't yet had time to make use of it. The ballast wagons have had their ends filed to their rounded profile, and all four have been assembled around their floors. I've made my choice as to which of the four would run mostly empty but with a few PW bits and bobs. My IRRS journal back issues have arrived, and I've been poring over Padraic O'Cuimin's article on MGWR goods stock, which has so much useful information I'm overwhelmed. There's a fantastic photograph of a Loco Coal wagon, too! However, in POC's article, although he mentions ballast wagons, there are none that tie in to the HMRS drawing with respect to dates which leaves me in a quandary: do I complete the ballast wagons I've started, or abandon them? I'll post a few photos soon! All the best, Mark
  19. Hi MM, Looking forward to seeing your progress - I'll be following with great interest. Stay safe and stay well, Mark
  20. Hi David, my copy of the June '20 Railway Modeller has just arrived, and I just had to say that Fintonagh looks absolutely superb (as expected!). Well done, sir, on another fantastic layout! With kind regards, Mark
  21. Hi @seagoebox and @airfixfan, Thanks for both of those suggestions, I'll pop a PM to @leslie10646 and see if he can help! With kind regards, Mark
  22. Hi @airfixfan, many thanks for the heads-up on the SRS Signal Box Register book. I'm certainly interested in finding a copy, but they seem non-existent on the second-hand market and the SRS Bookstall is completely closed until further notice. I'll just have to keep looking! With kind regards, Mark
  23. Many, many thanks as always, gents, for coming to the rescue and providing so much valuable information. I thought it was the case that McKenzie & Holland had provided much equipment, photographs seem to show their design of cabin, views of Achill cabin in particular struck me as being M&H. [I've been studying McKenzie & Holland designs recently in respect of my Cambrian Railways project - M&H supplied some equipment to the Cambrian although most was from Dutton & Co - Dutton had been an M&H employee before setting up his own company, and his designs owe much to M&H practice.] Presumably, the paintwork would be the cherry red and cream, the darker colour on the wooden frames and the lighter on the panelling? Window frames white? Many thanks once again, and kind regards, Mark
  24. Hi All, Guess what? Yep! Yet another question, but on a different subject! I think I've read somewhere, but can't now find where, that the MGWR used McKenzie & Holland signalling equipment, including their standard design signal boxes. Am I correct or did I dream that? Many thanks for any advice! With kind regards, Mark
  25. Well, I've succeeded in marking out the sides and ends for four ballast wagons. But having realised I've got eight ends to file to the same rounded profile, this afternoon I've directed my efforts into fabricating a template to achieve some consistency. So that's it for today whilst the glue is hardening! Cheers for now!
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