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  1. Can't wait for tomorrow! Very thankful to all who have given time to organise!
  2. Are IRM going to be going into N gauge!?
  3. The layout looks brilliant!
  4. Have you still got it? I'll take it if you do!
  5. The IE Ballast Wagon packs look amazing, particularly Pack F! Popped an order in for a pack, can't wait to get it. Going to set some money aside next payday and get one of the ballast vans to go along with it.
  6. Well done gents. You got my money! Lovely bus!
  7. Did you manage to get on any of the Donegal line? The girlfriend is from that neck of the woods and you see the odd remnant of a railway line, which I'd say would have been beautiful.
  8. I think it's easier for me to list the 2 that I have been on: Dublin - Galway Dublin - Cork Really need to start upping them figures once this covid thing goes away.
  9. I completely forgot that was an option. Yeah I was lucky enough to pick up 2 packs of kegs and 3 packs of 20fts when they went on sale. If you have painted some of the 3d prints could you recommend what colour looks well on them. It looks like a brownish red colour? Revell satin brown is the closest I can see in paint from online pictures.
  10. If that is the announcement this week after I ordered 4 3d prints of 42fts I'll be heartbroken, and very broke when they launch
  11. Both looking very well. The detail on the gangway of the green one is great! Did you build the coaches yourself?
  12. Absolutely stunning. Can't wait to see more.
  13. Noel, You are a legend! I think I'll have a go at respraying! Is there any way to get know what shade of yellow would be similar or just trial and error?
  14. Ah I see. Sure maybe there will be another a run if there is demand!
  15. Literally perfection. You've perfectly captured the area and the craftsmanship of the buildings/scenery is mind blowing. What is the name of the yellow Iarnrod Eireann wagons in the background that look like they haul ore and where do I get them?
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