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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. It's clearly not an honest mistake at this stage. The user SCMG saw the messages and within minutes withdrew the ads on adverts.ie. I'm quite sure Shane reads these messages even if he isn't logging into the site. Hi Shane! Do the decent thing man. Return the money. It's a crime to take money for an item you never deliver. I expect the guards in Raheny/Donaghmede will be involved if that money isn't returned pronto. It may seem like one can hide behind the anonymity of the internet but that's not true
  2. Good work John
  3. If they announce too early they'll be plagued with "when is X coming, you announced it X months ago...." comments so I can understand why they'd hold back. Stuff like a worldwide container shortage and the Corona virus and Brexit have all gotten in the way of lots of people's plans in fairness.
  4. Without the actual running numbers of the loco and the Cravens making up a particular train, it is never going to be entirely prototypical anyway and this information is lost, so I would just make a reasonably educated guess that it's plausible that CIE supertrain A's hauled Tippex Cravens at some stage in the late 80's.
  5. Magic. The first couple of pics are really fantastic with the backdrop. It really works well.
  6. Holy shit. The addresses in and around the docklands certainly fit .
  7. That's awful to hear. Hopefully Shane has an epiphany and does the right thing asap. You could reach out to other adverts.ie members who've bought off him to get a real address maybe.... Or maybe a member on here has sold Irish railway items to a Shane in that area. Maybe they could PM you....
  8. Did you get any satisfaction in the end @DJ Dangerous ?
  9. Joxer comes from Shanghai has a certain ring to it in a Newbridge accent...
  10. Got sorted on here thanks to @flange lubricator. Coaches on the way
  11. View Advert Seeking Bachmann mk2a FK's for respraying If anyone has (preferably) a pair of Bachmann mk2a FKs I'd be interested in hearing from you. I'm in Germany but can provide an Irish postal address for any potential sellers in Ireland. Price wise I got my last pair (in very good condition) for €60 so I would be looking to pay around that. An example image (copyright Hattons and/or Bachmann) is attached as an image is compulsory to place the ad (maybe that shouldn't be the case for "wanted" ads? @BosKonay) All the best, Phil Advertiser murphaph Date 11/08/21 Price €60 Category Coaches  
  12. Fabulous stuff Ken. Amazing what you can achieve.
  13. Get well soon Ernie. The low relief buildings work very well there.
  14. murphaph

    Customs & VAT

    Ah ok pre-owned stuff. Since Brexit unfortunately Hattons is probably the best bet for pre-owned as UK eBay is a complete horror story now. I can only suggest to do what I do: make sure you use the trunk service and fill it up well before you tell them to ship it. At least you'll only have the heartache once rather than multiple times There's a bit of Lima GB outline stuff on German eBay, for what it's worth. At least some of the sellers accept international orders, for example: https://www.ebay.de/itm/265253377622?hash=item3dc2555656:g:wTYAAOSw5P9dxwH1
  15. murphaph

    Customs & VAT

    What sort of stuff would you be ordering from Hattons? I take it it's RTR stuff and not "bits n pieces". Have you looked at Modellbahnunion as an alternative? https://www.modellbahnunion.com/HO-OO-gauge.htm?shop=dm-toys-en&SessionId=&a=catalog&p=802&filter=k3274g3332p3428
  16. murphaph

    Customs & VAT

    Ah tell me about it. Robert S sent me a small parcel worth a tenner and declared as a gift. Well below the €45 customs threshold for gifts. German customs officer in Frankfurt didn't care about that and incorrectly levied €2.22 VAT on the parcel and then the €6 handling charge for DHL was applied on top. Took bloody ages to make its way here too. The little parcel accumulated more stickers than a Panini album. Brexit is such a complete hassle.
  17. Did those PWI trains ever run in the 90's with mk3 + NIR mk2 stock?
  18. I can recommend this shop as a satisfied customer. I believe they ship outside Germany: https://www.architekturbedarf.de/metal/corrugated-sheets/1
  19. Right, last update to this thread as the holiday has come to an end. On the way back up to Berlin we made a stop at the Göltzschtalbrücke. This is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. It's absolutely massive. 26 million bricks were used to build it with 31 lives lost during its construction. It remains the largest brick built bridge in the world today. If you are ever anywhere close to this place you should make a detour to take a look.
  20. That's very good news.
  21. Are they pinpoint axles running in brass bearings Ken or directly in the resin? Fantastic work.
  22. murphaph

    Customs & VAT

    Get out the German dictionary lol. A lot of shops in Germany will ship at competitive rates to Ireland. The biggest problem I find is finding a shop that maintains good stock of everything so you can get everything you want from that shop in a single order. The Berlin Zinnfigur (toy soldier) shop I previously linked to has good stock levels in my experience.
  23. murphaph

    Customs & VAT

    To be honest after reading John's post it sounds like Hattons think it's cheaper to take a chance that a parcel will not get through and then basically pay the vat a second time if it gets stopped, rather than employ the services of a customs agent in the EU countries in which they operate and have sales over the vat threshold.
  24. murphaph

    Customs & VAT

    Yeah they will refund your costs quickly too if my experience is anything to go by. I'd love to know what goes wrong to cause random parcels to not be delivered duty paid.
  25. murphaph

    Customs & VAT

    A €3.50 handling fee is actually very cheap. I thought Germany was reasonable with €6.
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