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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. A bandon tank, ivatt 2-4-2, st molaga and argadeen along with CIE coaching stock would do a fantastic job of replicating west cork in itself! I think the J30 is the wrong variant for that time Even for any 7mm modeler, the range is still unbelivable
  2. Great pictures of some of his irish locos on there. I especially like cbcsr stuff obviously, and he has plenty of it!
  3. From what I've read the an "A" did go to Skibbereen and Bantry on one test run, and to Clonakilty on another seperate run. It never got to baltimore due to concerns about Illen bridge and never got on the T&C section for obvious reasons!
  4. I wonder is it cheaper to make steps out of hymek/lima stuff or pure marble!
  5. Exactly....everyone say it with me What do we want.... Green coaches and tin vans! When do we want them.... In the short to medium term!
  6. After the IRM "A" class comes out. There is no doubt in my mind that the "C" class which could be 2-3 years away makes the most sense to do a run of. MM has already elaborated on what he is planning on doing in the next 2-3 years in the realease of those anticipated re-runs like 201s with new liveries ect. So really by the time all that has realsid, I reckon enough time will have passed to look at GM 141/181s again. However there are still designs like the Sulzer diesal, steam loco, G class.....or even a turfburner! That could be looked at before such a re-releasing models that have a decent model with somewhat adequate numbers already circling about. I would love a 141 and too strugle to find one decently priced and the right livery when funds allow.....but when C class and sulzers are yet to be modeled.....I don't think anyone will be in a rush to release them
  7. While that be true, old technology becomes cheaper overtime. Making entering said hobby much easier to enter.
  8. I managed to flick over the channel to see moyesta, and switched back again. Surely they mentioned "are you right there micheal" as that show loves there songs!
  9. Well lough swilly has most of those decently big designs hence exclusive the L&LSR. I think the stuff on shapeways is 009 hence wanting to stick to the trend
  10. There is potential for 3ft stuff.... i suppise 009 is what most people use to represent narrow gauge on there layouts?
  11. I would be inlined to agree.somtimed a thread has taken up the whole latest posts section for 2-3 days while workbenches and such are being updated and missed. Might be something for another future update
  12. Anyine got photos of the irish pullmans? Ive only seen 2. One in an arial shot of cork in the 30s and one in a siding left abandoned. They were in a green livery that looked interesting. They would certainly be something enough people would be interested in
  13. I would but i find the polls to be too precise and end up being to vague and not great data to be honest. If anyone has any steam loco they would like to see in this fashion. The can put it in here. Scale isint going to be as much of an issue as people think in this case.
  14. Did you not see.....one of these went for 400 on an ebay bid.....bonkers
  15. The short boogie carridges were the only other notable thing and they were widrawn in the late 50s. Some of the things like the baldwin tanks and the saddle tanks were deffinetly not favoured by the GSR. Bandon tanks were just a great design which helped them earn there keep and venture to DSER sections Or have lough erne and 464 doublehead filling up with coal and water every second station!
  16. Maybe something for the volunteers at Maam cross to think of for the long long term!
  17. Ehhh, No.90 counts for something for me with her infamous stint on the CBCSR Just the kind of advice i was looking for. Ids say the only 3 canditates for RTR steam locos are maebh, merlin and a j15 (again thanks to 00 works) from any major modeling company. 00 works have made the U class which i think had sufficient enough numbers sold. Really these things come down to is if there Is a chassis or not
  18. So......i know this has been done to death before. But say you had the choice to make a silverfox style steam loco plastic kit with donor chassis ect. Which loco would you choose for such treatment. Maebh, merlin, no4, A bandon tank....or maybe something more obscure.....coaches from the era are also a loud to be suggested You never know this might be handy information to somone
  19. Must say I'm impressed with the turnout for the map. People from every corner of the country and abroad. Makes ya wonder what percentage of the A's get shipped abroad
  20. Hence why we called it the transitional phase. Between 1945 and 1963 there were so many different liveries, often mixing together. That picture of macmine junction with GREEN, B&T and gnri blue coaches.
  21. The line was supposed to extend a small branchline kf 150km to glasgow.....unfortunatly due to all the contractors drinking the bushmills distillery out, this branch never came......
  22. We will all be watching it, at least somone will be able to speak the facts!
  23. Despite me having virtually no interest in that era. I must admit that livery is smartest of the "orange" era and the IR logo is one of the best railway logos ever used on this island if not thee best. But of course, ill bias to the flying snail
  24. Keep yer 071s locked up safe!!!
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